BharatSahAIyak / security

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Open to work #2

Closed dev-chouhan closed 1 week ago

dev-chouhan commented 2 weeks ago

Good day, @BharatSahAlyak. My name is Devraditya Singh Chouhan, and I'm a third-year student at UEMJ who is really passionate about exploring vast syllabus of ethical hacking and cyber security. I'm thrilled to show my support for the Pen testing framework project!

My history consists of: Experience with Cybersecurity: Families with cyber protocols also usually practice capture the flag contests over hackthebox and tryhackme.  Experience with Full-Stack Development: I spent two months working with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, and SQL as a full-stack developer intern at Zonion, where I refined my skills. My grasp of both front-end and back-end development has been strengthened by this experience.

MERN Stack Expertise: In addition to my internship, I have experience with MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js as a competent MERN stack developer. I can work on projects that include both front-end and back-end components because of my versatility.

I think my passion for creating worthwhile projects and my technical expertise make me an excellent choice to contribute to the project. I'm excited to find out more about the precise specifications and how my experience can be put to use.

singhalkarun commented 1 week ago

Hi @dev-chouhan nice to hear from you. Feel free to write me on discord for any queries and how you would like to contribute. Closing this issue as it is not relevant here.