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check issue creation in destination #14

Open pramodhm112 opened 4 weeks ago

pramodhm112 commented 4 weeks ago

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def sourceProjectKey = "ISSD" def targetProjectKey = "LSD" def issueKey = issue.key

// Check if the issue is in the source project if (issue.fields.project.key == sourceProjectKey) { def summary = issue.fields.summary def description = issue.fields.description def reporter = issue.fields.reporter def changeType = issue.fields.customfield_10005 def requestType = issue.fields.customfield_10010?.requestType?.name // Corrected reference def doesTheIncident = issue.fields.customfield_11976?.value // Corrected reference def customfield_12039Value = issue.fields.customfield_12039 def customfield_12040Value = issue.fields.customfield_12040 def customfield_11981Value = issue.fields.customfield_11981 def customfield_12034Value = issue.fields.customfield_12034 def customfield_12041Value = issue.fields.customfield_12041 def customfield_12038Value = issue.fields.customfield_12038 def customfield_12042Value = issue.fields.customfield_12042 def customfield_12043Value = issue.fields.customfield_12043

// Check if the request type is "Live or suspected security incident" and incident is "Yes"
if (requestType == "Live or suspected security incident" && doesTheIncident == "Yes") {
    def newSecurityLevelId = '10008' // Provide the ID of the new security level
    def securityLevelUpdateResult = put("/rest/api/3/issue/${issueKey}")
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            fields: [
                security: [
                    id: newSecurityLevelId

    def targetIssueTypeId = 10767

    if (targetIssueTypeId) {
        def createIssuePayload = [
            fields: [
                project: [
                    key: targetProjectKey
                summary: summary,
                description: description,
                reporter: reporter,
                customfield_12039: customfield_12039Value,
                customfield_12040: customfield_12040Value,
                customfield_11981: customfield_11981Value,
                customfield_12034: customfield_12034Value,
                customfield_12041: customfield_12041Value,
                customfield_12038: customfield_12038Value,
                customfield_12042: customfield_12042Value,
                customfield_12043: customfield_12043Value,
                issuetype: [
                    id: targetIssueTypeId

        def createResult = post("/rest/api/2/issue")
            .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        if (createResult.status == 201) {
            def newIssueKey = createResult.body.key

            def linkResult = post("/rest/api/2/issueLink")
                .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                    type: [
                        name: "Problem/Incident"
                    inwardIssue: [
                        key: issueKey
                    outwardIssue: [
                        key: newIssueKey

            if (linkResult.status == 201) {
                println "Issue ${newIssueKey} created and linked to ${issueKey} successfully."
            } else {
                println "Failed to link issue ${newIssueKey} to ${issueKey}: ${linkResult.body}"
        } else {
            println "Failed to create issue in ${targetProjectKey}: ${createResult.status}"
            println "Response body: ${createResult.body}"
} else {
    println "Issue ${issueKey} does not meet the criteria for request type and incident."

} else { println "Issue ${issueKey} is not in the source project ${sourceProjectKey}." }

pramodhm112 commented 4 weeks ago

🚨 Live or suspected security incident