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not following sla defects #52

Open Bhavya-ss opened 1 week ago

Bhavya-ss commented 1 week ago

import groovy.json.JsonOutput import

def jqlQuery = 'project = "U11" AND issuetype = Task AND status not in (Closed, "In Progress","WIP") AND ((priority = "Medium" AND created <= -1d) OR (priority = High AND created <= -21d) OR (priority = Highest AND created <= -35d) OR (priority = Low AND created <= -60d)) and cf[10075] is empty ORDER BY cf[10246], cf[10005] ASC'

def searchResult = get("/rest/api/2/search?jql=${URLEncoder.encode(jqlQuery, "UTF-8")}") .asObject(Map)

if ( > 0) { searchResult.body.issues.each { issue -> def issueKey = issue.key def selectListFieldId = 'customfield_10075' // Replace 'customfield_10075' with your field ID

    // Fetch the issue details
    def issueDetails = get('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issueKey)

    // Update issue field
    def updateResult = put("/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}")
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            fields: [
                (selectListFieldId): [value: "4"] as Map

    // Notify users
    def notifyResult = post("/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}/notify")
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
            subject: "Issue ${issueKey} has just been updated ",
            htmlBody: "Defect ${issueKey} is out of SLA now!",
            to: [
                users: [
                        accountId: '63060b97189e0a3a4ff283dc'

    // Send notification to webhook
    def webhookUrl = ''
    def msg = [
        text: """Defect ${issueKey} <${issueKey}|${issueDetails.fields.summary}> is now out of SLA. Please consider it!"""

    def webhookResponse = post(webhookUrl)
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

    // Handle response as needed

} else { // No issues match the JQL query // Optionally, you can log a message or perform other actions here }