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Send a slack notification when issue added to sprint-initiator #54

Open pramodhm112 opened 1 week ago

pramodhm112 commented 1 week ago

def issueKey = issue.key def teamName = issue.fields.customfield_11005?.value?.join(", ") def issuetype = issue.fields.issuetype def sprintFieldId = 'customfield_10015'

// Assuming issue.fields contains the sprint details, which is a list of sprint objects def sprintDetails = issue.fields[sprintFieldId] def isSprintActive = false def sprintName = null

if (sprintDetails) { for (sprint in sprintDetails) { if (sprint.state == "active") { isSprintActive = true sprintName = break } } }

println("Is sprint active: ${isSprintActive}") println("team Name: ${teamName}")

if (isSprintActive && teamName.contains("PS-Magnetite") && issuetype == "story") { // Assuming you have the changelog object available for (item in changelog.items) { if (item.field == "Sprint") { def webhookUrl = '' def msg = [ text: """The following issue has been added to the current sprint${issue.key} by ${event.user.displayName}

""" ]

    // Assuming you have a method to make an HTTP POST request
    def response = post(webhookUrl)
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')


} } else { if (issuetype != 'story') { println("issuetype does not match.") } else if (!isSprintActive) { println("Sprint is not active.") } else if (!teamName.contains("PS-Magnetite")) { println("teamName not in the specified list.") } }