BiagioFesta / wtransport

Async-friendly WebTransport implementation in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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PrivateKeyNotFound when key already exists. #151

Closed JimitSoni18 closed 2 months ago

JimitSoni18 commented 3 months ago

I am trying to get started with the wtransport crate, I generated pem certificate and private key using openssl using the following command:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 365

which generated -rw-rw-r-- 1 my_username my_username 2122 Mar 29 12:33 cert.pem -rw------- 1 my_username my_username 3422 Mar 29 12:30 key.pem in the directory /home/my_username/cert/

then I copied the same code as it is in the docs:

use wtransport::{Endpoint, Identity, ServerConfig};

async fn main() {
    let config = ServerConfig::builder()
            &Identity::load_pemfiles("/home/my_username/cert/cert.pem", "/home/my_username/cert/key.pem")

    let server = Endpoint::server(config).unwrap();

    loop {
        let incoming_session = server.accept().await;
        let incoming_req = incoming_session.await.unwrap();

        let connection = incoming_req.accept().await.unwrap();

        println!("=>> connection: {connection:?}");

but when I try to run it using cargo r, it gives me the following error:

wt on  master [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🦀 v1.76.0 ❯ cargo r Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.06s Running target/debug/wt thread 'main' panicked at src/ called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: PrivateKeyNotFound note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace

I know that the file is present there, because loading cert.pem did not unwrap, so I don't know what I did wrong.

please help

JimitSoni18 commented 3 months ago

here is my cargo toml:

name = "wt"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at

tokio = { version = "1.37.0", features = ["full"] }
wtransport = "0.1.12"
BiagioFesta commented 3 months ago

Did the command:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 365

ask you for a password?

JimitSoni18 commented 3 months ago

@BiagioFesta it did ask for a PEM passphrase in the beginning, and then again to verify it.

JimitSoni18 commented 3 months ago

@BiagioFesta i tried generating with the -nodes option, and it started working. I don't know why was it not able to find the file when it was encrypted with passphrase. If the wrong enum was returned from load_pemfile, can you please create a new variant that says that encrypted keys cannot be read, if possible... or if it is something else, please inform me that it is some other issue

BiagioFesta commented 3 months ago

If you generate an encrypted private key there is no way the library can load that (nobody can read that private key but you, knowing the pass phrase).

With openssl (as you already mentioned), you need to add -nodes to avoid generating private key with DES encryption.

[...] can you please create a new variant that says that encrypted keys cannot be read, if possible... or if it is something else, please inform me that it is some other issue

Encrypted stuff are made to not be "understandable". From the file point of view it is just binary random data.

The library cannot distinguish whether the file contain an encrypted private key or just other random stuff (e.g., let us imagine you pass a image.jpg to the library as parameter to load as private key).

How the library can know that binary data is an image binary data, or a encrypted stuff? From the library perspective, I can only tell whether the file contains a valid private key or not.

If the passed file does not contain a parsable private key that's the rationale behind the error: PrivateKeyNotFound.

As the documentation says (

Returns a PemLoadError::PrivateKeyNotFound if no private key is found in the file.

Please note that, the load_pems file functions return a PemLoadError

If you pass a not existing file you instead get a PemLoadError::FileError (with the corresponding operative system code/description).

PrivateKeyNotFound means not found within the file.

From the doc:

No private key found in PEM file.

I would like avoid having a PemLoadError::PrivateKeyNotFoundWithinTheFile :) ... too long. Variant names, like variable names, are made for programmers.

Definitely I could improve the Display implementation from "no private key found" to "no private key found within the file" (as this is for "end users").

BiagioFesta commented 3 months ago

I am going to open a PR and close this issue trying to slightly improve the naming :)

Thank you for your feedback