Bianca-Gundel / PlantPal
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More Filter Options #18

Open Bianca-Gundel opened 1 week ago

Bianca-Gundel commented 1 week ago

Value Proposition

As a user

I want to have more filter criteria to choose from

so that i can specify my search



Acceptance Criteria


StephMode commented 5 days ago

Hey @cbuerger92 ,

that's a very good US already. The value proposition and the wireframe are both straight to the point!

I would just have some suggestions regarding the Acceptance Criteria and Tasks:

Regarding the Acceptance Criteria

The filter options have been expanded to allow selection based on water requirements and fertilization season. These new filters offer users a more targeted search, making it easier to find plants according to their specific care needs.

The AC should describe the feature from the user's perspective and the user is usually not aware of features from past versions. Also, I'd suggest to refrain from putting too much emphasis on the value add of the feature, since the AC should describe the UX and not advertise it. Thus, I'd suggest to rephrase this AC to something like this:

Regarding the Tasks

I'd suggest to rephrase the tasks so that they reflect what needs to be done instead of decribing the feature.


The filter counter should react and count with every click

Implement a counter to the filter that reflects the number of active filters.

This would summarize Task 3 and 4. You could then leave this one out:

~With each click, the PlantList should update according to the filtered criteria~