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Frontinus House Builder Proposal: Fully Composable, Incentive, and Decentralized Lootverse Gaming Collaboration and Creation Network #27

Closed mryings closed 1 month ago

mryings commented 1 year ago

Frontinus House Builder Proposal: Fully Composable, Incentive, and Decentralized Lootverse Gaming Collaboration and Creation Network


Name of proposer: Myron Will

Contact Email:

Ethereum Mainnet Address: 0x19c973572339622d5ebb820111db1be3419cc603

Any relevant links/Websites (optional):

Introduction video link (optional):

Project Detail


We are a team from CMU, UC San Diego, and UC Berkeley with different expertise covering design, research, development and business. We have strong interests, capacity and skillsets on the innovative entrepreneurship of blockchain, crypto and web3. We love Lootverse and fully devote ourselves into contributing to it as much as possible. We are all very thrilled about this project and have fully prepared for starting our adventure journey via your grant.


We will start once receving the grant and we estimate we need about 6 months to build and run the proposed project successfully.


Objective Contributor Estimated deadline
Improve the project proposal the determine the final version Myron, Miguel,Navein 2023/11/01
Design the product according to the proposal Myron, Miguel,Navein 2023/12/01
Develop our product Myron, Miguel,Navein 2024/01/01
Conduct technical testing and user evaluation Myron, Miguel,Navein 2024/02/01
Release the final version and promote it in the community Myron, Miguel,Navein 2024/03/01
Successfully run the first round of Lootverse projects in our network Myron, Miguel,Navein 2024/04/01

Grant Request

Hugely appreciated if we could get the standard 100,000 Lord to improve our proposal and develop our project with sufficient funding. Feel free to reach out to us to put forward any golden feedback and critiques, and we will revise our proposal accordingly. Welcome to join us and we can work on this project together to promote the development of Lootverse. Thanks a lot!

palomato commented 1 year ago

Help me understand-

This is a project to tokenize various components of a game? Like someone makes a simple game with Loot NFTs, your platform issues a token. Someone else adds a module to the game, your platform issues a token. Then if someone wants to 'own' the game they buy both tokens?

And the product you're developing is a set of contracts to do this tokenization, and a web UI frontend?

I've seen blockchain games that require an NFT to play, or that you pay to play. But not sure I've heard of a blockchain game that you 'buy' as you would a console game. Is there an example? Thanks.

mryings commented 1 year ago

Dear @palomato: Hello!

Thanks for your timely review and comments! Responding to your inquiries, this proposed project is composed of two parts for fully decentralized and incentive gaming collaboration and creation in Lootverse.

One part is enabling permissionless upgradability and composability for any projects in Lootverse. If you make a project in Lootverse, you can open the right to improve your project to everyone in the community. Everyone can freely make any new projects based on your project to revise existing parts or add new parts to your project to make it better. For example, suppose Azuki is a project in Lootverse. If the founding team of the original Azuki upgrades Azuki to a new version, which is so inferior that didn't satisfy the community, the value of Azuki would suffer a lot. However, in our project, we enable the community to fork and upgrade the original Azuki to different new versions with better new works as new branches to meet the expectations of the community. In this way, the development of Lootverse projects could be fully decentralized without being controlled by the founder of the project, so the project can be more qualified and valuable without being limited by the capacity and reliability of the founder.


Under the mode of fully internal composability and decentralized upgradability above, each project could be composed of different works made by different entities, so the other part is how to fairly and equally distribute the earnings of the project among different composed works. Our solution is for each work to launch their own token, and when buying the whole project, the tokens of all its composed works will also be purchased. For example, following the graph above, Version 1 has Token 1 for Part 1, Version 2 has Token 1 and Token 2 for Part 1 and Part 2, Version 3 has Token 2 and Token 3 for Part 2 and Part 3. Suppose the price of Token 1 is $2, and Token 2 is $3, then the price of Version 2 is $2+$3=$5. Suppose the price of Token 3 is $5, then when Version 3 earns $8, it should distribute to Version 2 $3 for its Part 2, so Version 3 can finally have $5 for its Part3.


In order to do so, our project will have smart contracts to enable permissionless upgradability and internal composability based on the existing smart contract upgrade proxy pattern. It can also have front-end and back-end to enable creators to easily upload their new works to upgrade any existing works. All different works will coexist for players to freely choose and buy. Good works will be identified and stood out, and bad works will be obsoleted naturally.

Not sure what you mean by "as you would a console game". Everyone can buy the token of a project to use the project or trade the token, but there is no need to buy the token of the project to upgrade the project as the upgradeability is open, unlimited and permissionless.

Any other questions feel free to ask and we will answer in time. Thanks a lot!

r0man1337 commented 1 year ago

I don't understand exactly what you want to do, the idea sounds quite abstract. I'm also not sure that the problem you are talking about really exists in our case. Isn't Lootverse already decentralized? Both BibliothecaDAO and RoyaltyDAO are managed by community, there are no centralized entities who rules the projects. Code and media resources are usually under CC0 license. So anyone can make derivative projects and monetize them however they want, we can't put any restrictions on it. I mean, if I understood correctly, what you described is quite available now, I don't understand what kind of product you want to make and what its functionality is.

IMO Lootverse is already permissionless and composable ecosystem.

mryings commented 1 year ago

Dear @palomato:

Hope our answer to your questions works! Feel free to ask any other questions or put forward any critiques if you have. Otherwise hugely appreciated if you could support our proposal and vote for it! Thanks a lot!

mryings commented 1 year ago

Dear @r0man1337: Hello!

Thanks for your review and critiques! Sorry it's a very innovative but valuable ecosystem development mode more decentralized, unlimited, and productive than the existing one, so it needs more explanation and takes some time to understand. But it's worthwhile and thanks for your patience!

Yes anyone can freely copy and modify the existing Lootverse projects to make new ones, but it's something like hard fork because new and original projects are essentially separate. The original project can open and share its content and code with new projects under CC0 license, but not its internal resources like states, community network, token model, which are actually more essential and valuable. In this way, the original project still has clear boundaries and isolation to prevent any other new projects from being built based on it. To form a fully interconnected and reciprocal ecosystem, instead, the original project should fully open and share its internal resources with any different new projects based on it to help them grow better. New projects will also improve and develop the original project to make it become better beyond its own upper limit, so new and original projects can help and benefit each other.

In order to do so, technically the original project should allow any other new projects made by anyone become its new versions like soft fork rather than hard fork with full composability, interoperability and compatibility. New project is just like new branches of the original project, not two separate and isolated projects. For example, when players from the original project play any derivative new projects made by others, they can have the same token and states as they already have in the original project with no need to play from scratch.

Economically, as the original project helps its following new projects with its internal resources, if new projects succeed, it should also distribute their earnings with the original project in return. Please note that such a mode is fully permissionless. All new projects can directly be built based on the original project and share its internal resources no matter what they are and who make them with no need to get the permission from the original project first. It means that even if the original project doesn't like any new projects made by anyone, they can't prevent them. All different projects will coexist in the market for end users to identify and choose, so it's up to players not the original project. If a project is not good, it should be denied by end users naturally, but not the original project.

We think the current Lootverse doesn't have such a fully decentralized, permissionless and unlimited mode of gaming ecosystem development yet. In analogy with American history, the projects in the current Lootverse are still like loose confederation of states, and we can make a tightly related and united commonwealth, which will be more powerful and beneficial. Any questions feel free to ask us, and hope can get your golden critiques and generous support! Thanks a lot!

mathida520 commented 1 year ago

Dear @r0man1337 :

Hope our answer to your questions works! Feel free to ask any other questions or put forward any critiques if you have. Otherwise hugely appreciated if you could support our proposal and vote for it! Thanks a lot!