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Risk of the Realms #9

Open Cheelax opened 10 months ago

Cheelax commented 10 months ago

Frontinus House Builder Proposal

Cheelax - Risk of the Realms

Risk of the Realms


Name or social handle of proposer: Cheelax

Ethereum Mainnet Address: 0xc57B65B26CBA8169F10295D8152deF3e0Bc8864e

Twitter handle : feel free to dm !

Project detail


This paper explores an open source project to bring a multiplayer turn-based adaptation of Risk to Starknet's blockchain ecosystem. Titled "Risk of the Realms", the game will be set in the fantasy world of Realms. By utilizing Starknet and Dojo game engine, the project aims to establish open source gaming standards and best practices for the Starknet community. The goal is to provide an engaging gaming experience with transparent rules, while positioning the team as specialists able to assist future Realms and StarkNet gaming projects.


Blockchain technology presents new opportunities in gaming. Starknet's Layer 2 architecture offers ideal speed and affordability for multiplayer games. This paper outlines an open source project to develop one of the first turn-based blockchain titles on Starknet and Dojo - a Risk adaptation called "Risk of the Realms" set in the fantasy Realms universe.

By innovatively adapting an iconic game in this manner, we hope to highlight blockchain gaming benefits, energize a community of players, and define open source development standards. Our solution guarantees fair rules and randomness via blockchain properties. We aim to showcase our expertise in Starknet gaming as an ongoing resource for the ecosystem.

Core Gameplay

Risk is a turn-based strategy game where 2-6 players aim to conquer all territories on a map. Each player will have a defined time to play his turn. This parameter will be set at the beginning of the game. On each turn, players can:

Combat outcomes are decided by dice rolls. The goal is to eliminate all opponents by occupying every territory. Key gameplay elements involve strategic reinforcements, effective dice roll battles, and diplomatic negotiations.

For diplomatic negociations, we will implement a bot in Realm or the project’s discord. Users will bind their wallet to their discord user. On game start, a new channel will be created with read/write access for players of the game only.

The first version will implement the classic Risk experience but we may implement some variants or a Realm specific set of rules.

Technical architecture

To implement Risk on Starknet, we plan to utilize the following key components:

Our aim is to create a reliable and scalable architecture that delivers seamless blockchain gameplay, similar to what is build with Eternum. With experience building other projects on Starknet and Dojo, the team is well-equipped to execute on this ambitious vision. image

Integrating with Realms

The team entered the Realms ecosystem a few months ago by investing in Realm NFTs. We properly introduced ourselves by winning the play2Die bounty from Realm during the Pragma hackathon. In this period, we had the pleasure of meeting very talented and inspired people and working with individuals like Loaf on examples. Meeting inspiring people like Secretive, Calc, and Amaro in person at events like StarkNetCC Paris reinforced our commitment to supporting Realms and decided us to be even more dedicated to the Realms ecosystem and build around it.

As part of the vibrant Realms ecosystem, Risk of the Realms aims to:


By seamlessly integrating with the Realms universe in terms of narrative, aesthetics, and tokenomics, we believe Risk of the Realms can become an exciting new experience for the community while upholding the spirit of the original game.

Development Roadmap

We plan to develop Risk of the Realms in stages:



Future Goals

This staged approach allows us to focus on robust core gameplay first, then expand with more advanced features. We'll incorporate community feedback regularly to drive development priorities.


In summary, this project aims to bring Risk gameplay to Starknet in an innovative form with ties to the Realms ecosystem. It has the potential to provide transparent, engaging multiplayer experiences through blockchain integration.

By pioneering best practices and collaborating with Realms, Risk of the Realms can help advance the adoption of blockchain in gaming. It demonstrates how traditional titles can be updated through emerging technology while empowering players and creators.

This initiative presents promising opportunities to leverage Starknet's strengths for competitive matches and pursue creative integrations with Realms. However, as early blockchain adopters we recognize there will be challenges and obstacles to overcome. We are committed to tackling these issues in order to fully realize the potential of this project.

Overall, we see strong potential in adapting an iconic board game to showcase the possibilities of blockchain technology and Starknet’s advantages. We welcome you to follow our journey as we bridge the classic world of Risk with the next era of gaming.


The initial team is:


Balthazar is a smart contract developer at Carbonable and has been with the company for over a year after leaving a very famous french brand he worked for 7 years. He was on the wining team of the Dojo bounty implementing a MineSweaper using Dojo framework.


Having spent over five years as a software architect at a robotics startup, Matthias played a key role in building retail robots for top brands in Europe and Asia. Now, after transitioning into the web3 space for the past 2 years, he serves as the CTO of Monopole, a cross-chain startup studio for impactful projects. He's at the forefront of building the studio's tech infrastructure and guiding mentored projects through their development journey.


With over 7 years of experience as a software developer, Cheelax has had the privilege of working with renowned French companies such as Paris Airports, SNCF (the national French railway company), and Total. He is leaving the web 2 world to enter the web 3 full time after having contribute to big Starknet projects such as the cairo book or the Dojo framework. He was in the team with Bal7hazar for the Minesweaper.


As it is a long term project, we provided in the objectives some milestones that seem relevant to us.


Objective Contributor Estimated deadline
Game design documentation (Published) Team 09/15/23
Basic game mechanics (POC) Team 11/15/23
MVP version Team 01/01/24
Lobby system (POC)    
Game economics implementation (POC) Team 02/01/24
Alpha version Team 03/01/24

Each part represent a smart contract and its related frontend, we will organise a live demo for each milestone (when relevant).

Grant Request

100000 $LORDS

Art tests

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palomato commented 10 months ago

Love this. Will map NFTs be the Realms NFTs?

Cheelax commented 10 months ago

Indeed, we will be based on realm NFTs and play on ethernum map. Something like that: carte But cleaner

Cheelax commented 10 months ago

@Calcutatator not sure but you might be referencing the wrong issue in the commit above