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fix: army deposits battle bugs + hyperstructure points calculations #1086

Closed edisontim closed 5 days ago

edisontim commented 5 days ago

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PR Type

Bug fix, Enhancement


Changes walkthrough πŸ“

Relevant files
1 files
Minor formatting improvement.                                                       

client/src/dojo/modelManager/BattleManager.ts - Added a newline for better readability.
18 files
Improved army filtering and renamed hook.                               

  • Added getExtraBattleInformation import.
  • Replaced checkIfArmyLostAFinishedBattle with filterArmy in multiple
  • Renamed useEntityArmies to useArmiesByEntityOwner.
  • Updated filtering logic for armies.
  • +22/-18 
    Enhanced battle information retrieval and filtering.         

  • Added getExtraBattleInformation and BattleInfo type.
  • Refactored battle-related functions to use getExtraBattleInformation.
  • Added filterBattles function.
  • Added battleIsEmpty function.
  • +114/-89
    Filter armies in resource arrivals.                                           

  • Added filterArmy and getArmyByEntityId imports.
  • Updated getAllArrivalsWithResources to filter armies.
  • +24/-2   
    Refactor leaderboard points calculation.                                 

  • Refactored TOTAL_CONTRIBUTABLE_AMOUNT calculation.
  • Removed redundant playerPointsLeaderboards parameter.
  • +9/-15   
    Update quest store to use new army hook.                                 

    client/src/hooks/store/useQuestStore.tsx - Replaced `useEntityArmies` with `useArmiesByEntityOwner`.
    Add army existence check in entity component.                       

  • Added getArmyByEntityId import.
  • Added army existence check before rendering.
  • +12/-9   
    Simplify hyperstructure panel and leaderboard.                     

  • Updated resource elements to use HYPERSTRUCTURE_TOTAL_COSTS_SCALED.
  • Simplified HyperstructureLeaderboard component.
  • +17/-35 
    Adjust max contributable amount and improve layout.           

  • Adjusted max contributable amount calculation.
  • Improved layout of resource chip component.
  • +11/-4   
    Update army list to use new army hook.                                     

    client/src/ui/components/military/ArmyList.tsx - Replaced `useEntityArmies` with `useArmiesByEntityOwner`.
    Update battles army table to use new battle hook.               

  • Replaced useBattles with usePlayerBattles.
  • Updated BattleChip to use BattleInfo.
  • +15/-16 
    Simplify entities army table with new hook.                           

  • Replaced useEntityArmies with useArmiesByEntityOwner.
  • Simplified army elements rendering.
  • +9/-12   
    Remove redundant battle health check.                                       

    client/src/ui/components/models/buildings/worldmap/Battles.tsx - Removed redundant battle health check.
    Remove unused resource arrivals component.                             

  • Removed unused useResources import and ResourceArrivals component.
  • +0/-15   
    Update BattleLabel to use battle entity ID.                           

    client/src/ui/components/worldmap/armies/Army.tsx - Updated `BattleLabel` to use battle entity ID.
    Update hexagon information panel to use BattleInfo.           

    client/src/ui/components/worldmap/hexagon/HexagonInformationPanel.tsx - Updated `checkWhatToShow` to use `BattleInfo`.
    Update left navigation module to use new army hook.           

    client/src/ui/modules/navigation/LeftNavigationModule.tsx - Replaced `useEntityArmies` with `useArmiesByEntityOwner`.
    Remove unused togglePopup import.                                               

    client/src/ui/modules/navigation/RightNavigationModule.tsx - Removed unused `togglePopup` import.
    Add function to mint all resources in script.                       

  • Added function to mint all resources.
  • Updated script to handle minting all resources.
  • +29/-7   
    Bug fix
    3 files
    Fix resource cost calculation in hyperstructures.               

  • Fixed resource cost calculation in getAllProgressesAndTotalPercentage.

  • +1/-4     
    Fix potential undefined value and adjust select width.     

  • Fixed potential undefined value in setBattleView.
  • Adjusted SelectContent width.
  • +2/-2     
    Add non-null assertions for battle starter armies.             

    client/src/ui/modules/military/battle-view/BattleView.tsx - Added non-null assertions for battle starter armies.

    πŸ’‘ PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    vercel[bot] commented 5 days ago

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    Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
    eternum βœ… Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview πŸ’¬ Add feedback Jul 5, 2024 2:48pm
    github-actions[bot] commented 5 days ago

    PR Reviewer Guide πŸ”

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review: 4 πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅βšͺ
    πŸ§ͺ No relevant tests
    πŸ”’ No security concerns identified
    ⚑ Key issues to review

    **Possible Bug:** The `filterArmy` function in `useArmies.tsx` uses a logical OR to combine checks for army life and battle loss. This could unintentionally include armies that are dead but have a `protectee_id`. The logic might need revising to ensure it accurately filters armies based on the intended conditions. **Refactoring Needed:** The `useBattles.tsx` and `useArmies.tsx` files have significant changes with new functions and logic that could be split into smaller, more manageable functions. This would improve readability and maintainability. **Consistency Issue:** The renaming of hooks and functions (e.g., `useEntityArmies` to `useArmiesByEntityOwner`) should be consistently reflected across all files to avoid confusion and potential bugs.
    github-actions[bot] commented 5 days ago

    PR Code Suggestions ✨

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Possible bug
    Add a null check for battle to prevent potential runtime errors ___ **Consider adding a null check for battle in the checkIfArmyLostAFinishedBattle function to
    prevent potential runtime errors when battle is undefined.** [client/src/hooks/helpers/useArmies.tsx [573-575]]( ```diff const battle = getExtraBattleInformation([getEntityIdFromKeys([BigInt(army.battle_id)])], Battle, Position, Realm)[0]; -if (battle && armyIsLosingSide(army, battle!) && battleIsFinished(Army, battle)) { +if (!battle) return false; +if (armyIsLosingSide(army, battle) && battleIsFinished(Army, battle)) { return true; } ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies a potential runtime error if `battle` is undefined and provides a robust solution by adding a null check. This is crucial for preventing unexpected crashes.
    Add null checks for variables before using them to prevent runtime errors ___ **Consider checking for the existence of ownArmyBattleStarter and defenderArmyBattleStarter
    before using them to prevent runtime errors if they are undefined.** [client/src/ui/modules/military/battle-view/BattleView.tsx [46-51]]( ```diff -: [ownArmyBattleStarter!]; -: [defenderArmyBattleStarter!]; +: ownArmyBattleStarter ? [ownArmyBattleStarter] : []; +: defenderArmyBattleStarter ? [defenderArmyBattleStarter] : []; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: Adding null checks for `ownArmyBattleStarter` and `defenderArmyBattleStarter` is crucial to prevent potential runtime errors if these variables are undefined. This is a significant improvement for code robustness.
    Ensure filterArmy handles null or undefined army values safely ___ **Refactor the filterArmy function to ensure it correctly handles cases where army might be
    undefined or null, to avoid runtime errors.** [client/src/hooks/helpers/useArmies.tsx [585-589]]( ```diff +if (!army) return false; return ( (checkIfArmyAlive(army) && checkIfArmyLostAFinishedBattle(Battle, Army, army, Position, Realm) === false) || - BigInt(army?.protectee_id || 0) !== 0n + BigInt(army.protectee_id || 0) !== 0n ); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: The suggestion addresses a potential runtime error by adding a check for undefined or null `army` values, which is important for maintaining code stability.
    Add checks to handle potential undefined returns from getArmy ___ **Ensure that the getArmy function is always returning a value or handle potential undefined
    returns where it's used to avoid runtime errors.** [client/src/hooks/helpers/useResources.tsx [123-124]]( ```diff const { getArmy } = getArmyByEntityId(); const army = getArmy(position?.entity_id || BigInt(0)); -if (!army || !filterArmy(army, Battle, Army, Position, Realm)) return undefined; +if (!army) return undefined; +if (!filterArmy(army, Battle, Army, Position, Realm)) return undefined; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: The suggestion improves the robustness of the code by ensuring that `getArmy` returns a defined value before proceeding, thus preventing possible runtime errors.
    Add a fallback value for attackerTroops to handle undefined cases safely ___ **Ensure that attackerTroops is defined before using it to avoid potential runtime errors.** [client/src/ui/modules/military/battle-view/BattleView.tsx [99]]( ```diff -attackerTroops={attackerTroops!} +attackerTroops={attackerTroops ?? []} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Ensuring `attackerTroops` is defined before usage is important to avoid runtime errors. Providing a fallback value improves code safety and reliability.
    Use reduce method for a more functional and concise calculation of TOTAL_CONTRIBUTABLE_AMOUNT ___ **Consider using the reduce method directly on HYPERSTRUCTURE_TOTAL_COSTS_SCALED to
    calculate TOTAL_CONTRIBUTABLE_AMOUNT instead of using a separate forEach loop. This
    approach is more functional and concise.** [client/src/hooks/store/useLeaderBoardStore.tsx [44-49]]( ```diff -export const TOTAL_CONTRIBUTABLE_AMOUNT: number = 0; -HYPERSTRUCTURE_TOTAL_COSTS_SCALED.forEach(({ resource, amount }) => { - TOTAL_CONTRIBUTABLE_AMOUNT += ResourceMultipliers[resource as keyof typeof ResourceMultipliers]! * amount; -}); +export const TOTAL_CONTRIBUTABLE_AMOUNT: number = HYPERSTRUCTURE_TOTAL_COSTS_SCALED.reduce( + (total, { resource, amount }) => { + return total + (ResourceMultipliers[resource as keyof typeof ResourceMultipliers] ?? 0) * amount; + }, + 0, +); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies a more functional and concise way to calculate `TOTAL_CONTRIBUTABLE_AMOUNT` using `reduce`, which improves readability and maintainability.
    Error handling
    Add error handling for getContributions to manage potential failures gracefully ___ **Ensure that the getContributions function handles potential errors or exceptions,
    especially if it involves asynchronous operations or fetching data from external sources.** [client/src/hooks/store/useLeaderBoardStore.tsx [138]]( ```diff -const contributions = getContributions(hyperstructureEntityId); +let contributions; +try { + contributions = getContributions(hyperstructureEntityId); +} catch (error) { + console.error("Failed to get contributions:", error); + return []; // Return an empty array or handle as needed +} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding error handling for `getContributions` is a good practice to ensure robustness, especially if the function involves asynchronous operations or external data fetching.
    Possible issue
    Add a null check for realmEntityId to prevent passing undefined to useArmiesByEntityOwner ___ **Replace the direct usage of realmEntityId with a null check to ensure it is defined before
    using it in useArmiesByEntityOwner.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/LeftNavigationModule.tsx [71]]( ```diff -const { entityArmies } = useArmiesByEntityOwner({ entity_owner_entity_id: realmEntityId }); +const { entityArmies } = useArmiesByEntityOwner({ entity_owner_entity_id: realmEntityId ?? '' }); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding a null check for `realmEntityId` ensures that `useArmiesByEntityOwner` does not receive an undefined value, which could lead to unexpected behavior or errors.
    Best practice
    Use const for variables that are not reassigned to emphasize immutability ___ **Replace the let declaration with const for totalHyperstructurePoints since it is not
    reassigned after its initial calculation. This change enhances code clarity and
    immutability.** [client/src/hooks/store/useLeaderBoardStore.tsx [142]]( ```diff -let totalHyperstructurePoints = HYPERSTRUCTURE_POINTS_PER_CYCLE * nbOfCycles; +const totalHyperstructurePoints = HYPERSTRUCTURE_POINTS_PER_CYCLE * nbOfCycles; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Replacing `let` with `const` for `totalHyperstructurePoints` enhances code clarity and emphasizes immutability, which is a best practice.
    Use nullish coalescing to handle potential undefined values more explicitly ___ **Use nullish coalescing operator to provide default values for selectedArmy?.x and
    selectedArmy?.y to ensure that the coordinates are always valid numbers.** [client/src/ui/modules/military/battle-view/BattleActions.tsx [110]]( ```diff -setBattleView({ battle: { x: selectedArmy?.x || 0, y: selectedArmy?.y || 0 }, target: undefined }); +setBattleView({ battle: { x: selectedArmy?.x ?? 0, y: selectedArmy?.y ?? 0 }, target: undefined }); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Using the nullish coalescing operator (`??`) is a best practice for handling potential undefined values, making the code more explicit and safer.
    Simplify the calculation of maxContributableAmount to enhance code readability ___ **Refactor the calculation of maxContributableAmount to a single expression to improve
    readability and reduce complexity.** [client/src/ui/components/hyperstructures/HyperstructureResourceChip.tsx [37-39]]( ```diff -let maxContributableAmount = Math.min(progress.costNeeded! - progress.amount, balance); -maxContributableAmount *= progress.costNeeded - progress.amount > balance ? safetyMargin : 1; -maxContributableAmount = Math.floor(maxContributableAmount); +const maxContributableAmount = Math.floor(Math.min(progress.costNeeded! - progress.amount, balance) * (progress.costNeeded - progress.amount > balance ? safetyMargin : 1)); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: The refactoring of `maxContributableAmount` into a single expression improves readability and reduces complexity, making the code easier to understand.