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onchain eternal game
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Battle reward box #927

Closed credence0x closed 1 month ago

credence0x commented 1 month ago

User description


PR Type

enhancement, bug fix, tests


Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
15 files
Improve styling and spacing in Headline component.             

  • Updated class names for better styling.
  • Changed color classes for SVG elements.
  • Adjusted spacing in the headline component.
  • +14/-9   
    Refactor configuration functions to support batch processing.

  • Refactored configuration functions to batch calls.
  • Added arrays to collect calldata for batch processing.
  • Updated logging for configuration status.
  • +53/-23 
    Simplify quest structure and add claimed status check.     

  • Simplified quest steps and prizes structure.
  • Added logic to check if quests are claimed.
  • Updated memoization for quests and claimable quests.
  • +31/-93 
    Update provider methods to support batch calls.                   

  • Updated provider methods to handle batch calls.
  • Refactored set_weight_config, set_production_config, and other
  • +54/-29 
    Optimize TopMiddleNavigation with memoization.                     

  • Added memoization for structures and hex view.
  • Improved sorting logic for player structures.
  • +17/-28 
    Simplify HintBox component by removing redundant logic.   

  • Removed redundant hasClaimed logic.
  • Added claimed status directly to quests.
  • Updated UI to reflect claimed status.
  • +16/-22 
    Enhance ArmyChip component with better styling and stamina display.

  • Updated styling and class names for better UI.
  • Added stamina resource display.
  • +16/-10 
    Improve MarketOrderPanel text and resource display.           

  • Updated text and labels for better clarity.
  • Improved display of available resources and weights.
  • +13/-10 
    Update type definitions for batch call support.                   

  • Updated type definitions to support batch calls.
  • Refactored SetWeightConfigProps and SetProductionConfigProps.
  • +16/-12 
    Add border styling to TroopChip component.                             

    client/src/ui/components/military/TroopChip.tsx - Added border styling to troop menu rows.
    Enhance MarketModal styling and add title.                             

    client/src/ui/components/trading/MarketModal.tsx - Enhanced modal styling and added title.
    Add TopLeftNavigation component with hints and settings buttons.

  • Added new TopLeftNavigation component.
  • Included buttons for hints and settings.
  • +36/-0   
    Remove settings button and adjust quest notifications in

  • Removed settings button from BottomNavigation.
  • Adjusted logic for displaying quest notifications.
  • +2/-14   
    Update grid layout and button text in ArmyManagementCard.

    client/src/ui/components/military/ArmyManagementCard.tsx - Updated grid layout and button text.
    Update stamina display in StaminaResource component.         

    client/src/ui/elements/StaminaResource.tsx - Updated stamina display color and text.

    ๐Ÿ’ก PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    vercel[bot] commented 1 month ago

    The latest updates on your projects. Learn more about Vercel for Git โ†—๏ธŽ

    Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
    eternum โœ… Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview ๐Ÿ’ฌ Add feedback Jun 14, 2024 1:04pm
    github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Reviewer Guide ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns - Resource Locking:
    The changes in `combat_systems.cairo` and `resource_systems.cairo` involve resource locking mechanisms that are critical for preventing unauthorized access or double-spending of resources during battles. It's essential to ensure that these locking mechanisms are foolproof and tested against potential race conditions or other security vulnerabilities.
    โšก Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The logic for handling battles and resource locking in `combat_systems.cairo` seems complex and could be prone to errors. Specifically, the changes around how battles are initiated and how resources are locked and unlocked during battles need thorough testing to ensure they behave as expected under various scenarios.
    Performance Concern:
    The modifications in `combat_systems.cairo` introduce additional complexity in the battle handling logic, which could impact performance, especially with multiple concurrent battles and resource transactions. It's crucial to assess if these changes could lead to increased gas costs or delays in transaction processing.
    Code Clarity:
    The new methods `balance_deposit` and `withdraw_deposit` in `combat_systems.cairo` could benefit from more detailed inline comments explaining the steps involved, especially how resources are managed during battles. This would improve maintainability and understandability of the code.
    github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Replace individual troop display elements with a loop to generate them dynamically ___ **Consider using a loop to generate the troop display elements to reduce code duplication
    and improve maintainability. This will make it easier to add or modify troop types in the
    future without having to manually update each element.** [client/src/ui/components/military/TroopChip.tsx [8-19]]( ```diff -
    - -
    {currencyFormat(army.troops.crossbowman_count, 0)}
    - -
    {currencyFormat(army.troops.knight_count, 0)}
    - -
    {currencyFormat(army.troops.paladin_count, 0)}
    +{Object.entries(army.troops).map(([troopType, count]) => ( +
    + +
    {currencyFormat(count, 0)}
    +))} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: This suggestion significantly improves maintainability by reducing code duplication and making it easier to add or modify troop types in the future. It directly addresses the new code introduced in the PR.
    Ensure consistent import style for TopLeftContainer ___ **Ensure that TopLeftContainer is consistently imported with either default or named import
    across the project. If it's a named import elsewhere, change the import statement to
    maintain consistency.** [client/src/ui/layouts/World.tsx [25]]( ```diff -import TopLeftContainer from "../containers/TopLeftContainer"; +import { TopLeftContainer } from "../containers/TopLeftContainer"; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Ensuring consistent import style can improve code maintainability and readability. However, this is a minor issue and does not affect the functionality of the code.
    Review and adjust the padding and border styles for consistency with the design system ___ **The padding and border styles have been modified. Ensure that these changes align with the
    design system's consistency, especially since the padding was increased and border color
    changed. If not intentional, consider reverting to the original styles or adjusting them
    according to the design guidelines.** [client/src/ui/elements/ResourceCost.tsx [37-41]]( ```diff className={clsx( - "relative flex items-center p-2 bg-gold/10 clip-angled-sm gap-1 border border-gold/10", + "relative flex items-center p-1 bg-gold/10 clip-angled-sm gap-1 border border-gold/5", type === "horizontal" ? "flex-row" : "flex-col justify-center", className, )} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: This suggestion addresses potential design inconsistencies by recommending a review of the padding and border styles to ensure they align with the design system. However, it is more of a design review than a critical code issue.
    Possible bug
    Add a check for undefined entityId before using it in a function call ___ **Consider checking if entityId is undefined before using it in the useEntityArmies hook to
    avoid potential issues with invalid IDs.** [client/src/hooks/helpers/useQuests.tsx [27]]( ```diff -const { entityArmies } = useEntityArmies({ entity_id: entityId || BigInt("0") }); +if (entityId === undefined) { + console.error("entityId is undefined"); + return; +} +const { entityArmies } = useEntityArmies({ entity_id: entityId }); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: This suggestion addresses a potential bug by ensuring that `entityId` is defined before using it, which can prevent runtime errors and improve code robustness.
    Wrap new components in an error boundary for improved error handling ___ **Consider adding error boundaries around new UI components to gracefully handle JavaScript
    errors in their child component tree.** [client/src/ui/layouts/World.tsx [76-78]]( ```diff - - - + + + + + ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding error boundaries can significantly improve the robustness of the application by gracefully handling errors in the component tree. This is a valuable enhancement.
    Restore the background styling for consistency in UI appearance ___ **Restore the background styling for the 'full' size modal to maintain consistent UI
    appearance.** [client/src/ui/components/ModalContainer.tsx [15]]( ```diff -? "w-full h-full bg-transparent p-4" +? "w-full h-full bg-battle-one bg-cover p-4" ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Restoring the background styling helps maintain a consistent UI appearance, which is important for user experience, but it is not a critical issue.
    Restore width and margin styles for consistent layout ___ **Consider restoring the width and margin styles to the ResourceCost component to ensure
    consistent layout and spacing.** [client/src/ui/components/entities/Entity.tsx [103]]( ```diff -className="!text-gold " +className="!text-gold !w-5 mt-0.5" ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Restoring the width and margin styles ensures consistent layout and spacing, which improves the visual consistency of the UI. However, it is a minor enhancement.
    Add back the ornate-borders class if its removal was unintentional to preserve the layout's design ___ **The removal of the ornate-borders class might affect the visual layout of the onboarding
    screen. If the removal was unintentional, consider adding it back to maintain the intended
    stylistic design.** [client/src/ui/layouts/Onboarding.tsx [32]]( ```diff -
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 5 Why: This suggestion addresses a potential visual layout issue by recommending the re-addition of a class that might have been removed unintentionally. It is a minor enhancement but important for maintaining the intended design.
    Best practice
    Add conditional rendering to ensure className is applied only when it is not null or undefined ___ **Consider adding a conditional rendering for the className prop to ensure that it only
    appends additional classes when className is not null or undefined. This prevents
    potential issues with unwanted class names being applied.** [client/src/ui/elements/Headline.tsx [15-17]]( ```diff className={clsx( "flex items-center justify-center select-none w-full clip-angled bg-gold/5 p-2 h6 font-bold", - className, + className && className, )} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: This suggestion improves code robustness by ensuring that `className` is only applied when it is not null or undefined, preventing potential issues with unwanted class names.
    Ensure loading state is reset correctly in asynchronous operations ___ **Ensure that the loading state is reset in the finally block of handleClaimResources and
    handleAllClaims to handle UI state correctly across all scenarios.** [client/src/ui/components/hints/HintBox.tsx [49-70]]( ```diff -setIsLoading(false); +setIsLoading(false); // Ensure loading state is reset on completion ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 5 Why: Adding a comment to ensure the loading state is reset on completion is a good practice for code readability and maintainability, but it does not change the functionality.
    Add a key prop to TopLeftContainer for better React reconciliation ___ **Add a key prop to the TopLeftContainer component when used in a list or iteration to help
    React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed.** [client/src/ui/layouts/World.tsx [76-78]]( ```diff - + ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 3 Why: Adding a key prop is important when rendering lists or iterating over components. In this case, `TopLeftContainer` is not part of a list, so this suggestion is not applicable.
    Ensure consistent unit notation for weights across the application ___ **Use a consistent unit for displaying weights across the application. If 'kgs' is used
    elsewhere, ensure it's used here as well to maintain consistency and avoid confusion.** [client/src/ui/components/trading/MarketOrderPanel.tsx [421]]( ```diff -
    {divideByPrecision(orderWeight).toLocaleString()} kgs
    {divideByPrecision(orderWeight).toLocaleString()} kg
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Consistency in unit notation is important for user understanding and avoiding confusion. This suggestion ensures that the weight unit is consistently displayed as 'kg' across the application.
    Improve button text for clarity and user understanding ___ **Consider using a more descriptive button text that includes the action and the item. This
    makes the interface more intuitive, especially for new users.** [client/src/ui/components/trading/MarketOrderPanel.tsx [434]]( ```diff -{isBuy ? "Buy" : `Sell `} {resource.toLocaleString()} {findResourceById(resourceId)?.trait} +{isBuy ? "Buy" : "Sell"} {resource.toLocaleString()} {findResourceById(resourceId)?.trait || "Resource"} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion enhances usability by making the button text more descriptive and intuitive, which is especially helpful for new users. However, the improvement is relatively minor.
    Update the placeholder text in the 'Select' component for clarity and consistency ___ **Ensure that the 'Select' component's placeholder text is consistent with the UI's
    terminology and context. If 'Select Realm' is not clear or consistent with other similar
    UI elements, consider a more descriptive placeholder.** [client/src/ui/components/trading/MarketModal.tsx [50]]( ```diff - + ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: While the suggestion improves usability by making the placeholder text more descriptive, the existing text is already fairly clear. This is a minor improvement.
    Possible issue
    Revert the stamina level high color to green unless the change was intentional based on new guidelines or feedback ___ **The color for indicating stamina levels has been changed from green to yellow for high
    levels. This might confuse users accustomed to the previous color coding. If the change
    was not based on user feedback or a new design guideline, consider reverting to the
    original color to maintain user experience consistency.** [client/src/ui/elements/StaminaResource.tsx [10]]( ```diff -(stamina?.amount || 0n) < EternumGlobalConfig.stamina.travelCost ? "text-red/90" : "text-yellow/90"; +(stamina?.amount || 0n) < EternumGlobalConfig.stamina.travelCost ? "text-red/90" : "text-green/90"; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: This suggestion highlights a potential user experience issue by pointing out a change in color coding that could confuse users. It is important for maintaining consistency in user interface design.
    Verify dependency management for TopLeftNavigation ___ **Verify that the added TopLeftNavigation module has its dependencies correctly managed in
    the project's state management system or context to ensure it functions correctly within
    the TopLeftContainer.** [client/src/ui/layouts/World.tsx [76-78]]( ```diff - + // Ensure dependencies are managed ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Ensuring that the `TopLeftNavigation` module has its dependencies correctly managed is important for the functionality of the component. However, the suggestion is somewhat vague and does not provide a concrete improvement to the code.