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Enh/walkthrough #975

Closed cwastche closed 2 weeks ago

cwastche commented 2 weeks ago

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PR Type

Enhancement, Bug fix, Documentation


Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
19 files
Implement Zustand-based Quest Store and Hook                         

  • Created a new useQuestStore using Zustand for state management.
  • Defined quest-related types and interfaces.
  • Implemented useQuests hook to manage quest logic and state.
  • +175/-0 
    Remove Deprecated useQuests Hook                                                 

    client/src/hooks/helpers/useQuests.tsx - Removed the old `useQuests` hook.
    Extend UI Store for Navigation Views                                         

  • Added right navigation view state management.
  • Updated left navigation view state management.
  • +10/-5   
    Enable TourProvider with Empty Steps                                         

    client/src/main.tsx - Enabled the `TourProvider` with empty steps.
    Integrate useQuests Hook in HooksComponent                             

    client/src/ui/components/HooksComponent.tsx - Added `useQuests` hook to the component.
    Add Quest Visual Cues and Hint Button                                       

  • Added quest-related visual cues and interactions.
  • Added hint button to open the hint modal.
  • +67/-5   
    Update HintBox to Use Quest Store and Display Steps           

  • Updated to use the new useQuestStore.
  • Added quest steps display.
  • +27/-38 
    Refactor HintModal and Extract Resources Component             

  • Refactored to include initial active section prop.
  • Moved Resources component to a separate file.
  • +13/-83 
    Create Resources Component                                                             

    client/src/ui/components/hints/Resources.tsx - Created a new Resources component.
    Add Questing Visual Cue to Entity List                                     

    client/src/ui/components/list/EntityList.tsx - Added questing visual cue to entity list items.
    Add Quest Visual Cues to Army List                                             

    client/src/ui/components/military/ArmyList.tsx - Added quest-related visual cues to army creation and enlistment.
    Add Hint Button to Market Modal                                                   

    client/src/ui/components/trading/MarketModal.tsx - Added hint button to open the hint modal.
    Add Hint Button to Leaderboard Panel                                         

    client/src/ui/components/worldmap/leaderboard/LeaderboardPanel.tsx - Added hint button to open the hint modal.
    Add Hint Button to Military Module                                             

    client/src/ui/modules/military/Military.tsx - Added hint button to open the hint modal.
    Add Quest Visual Cues and Update Notifications                     

  • Added quest-related visual cues and interactions.
  • Updated quest notification logic.
  • +20/-17 
    Add Quest Visual Cues and Update Navigation Visibility     

  • Added quest-related visual cues and interactions.
  • Updated navigation button visibility based on quest state.
  • +49/-6   
    Add Quest Visual Cues and Update Navigation Visibility     

  • Added quest-related visual cues and interactions.
  • Updated navigation button visibility based on quest state.
  • +115/-59
    Disable Navigation Button When Quests Are Claimable           

    client/src/ui/modules/navigation/TopMiddleNavigation.tsx - Disabled navigation button when quests are claimable.
    Remove Deprecated Quest Logic from Onboarding Steps           

    client/src/ui/modules/onboarding/Steps.tsx - Removed old quest-related logic.

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    vercel[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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    Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
    eternum โœ… Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview ๐Ÿ’ฌ Add feedback Jun 21, 2024 11:46am
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

    PR Reviewer Guide ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No
    โšก Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The removal of the useQuests hook and its replacement with useQuestStore might lead to issues if other parts of the application still depend on the old hook. It's crucial to ensure that all references to useQuests are updated.
    Refactoring Scope:
    The refactoring of the HintModal to include an initial active section prop could affect how modals are displayed across the application. Verify that this change does not disrupt the modal behavior in other components.
    Performance Concern:
    The new Zustand store implementation in useQuestStore.tsx introduces more complex state management which could impact performance. Review the usage of Zustand and ensure it's optimized for frequent updates and re-renders.
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Possible bug
    Ensure entityId is always defined before conversion to BigInt to prevent runtime errors ___ **To avoid potential type coercion errors with the BigInt constructor, ensure that entityId
    is always defined before converting it to BigInt. This can be done by providing a fallback
    value directly in the useMemo where entityId is defined.** [client/src/hooks/store/useQuestStore.tsx [73]]( ```diff -const entityId = playerRealms()[0]?.entity_id; +const entityId = playerRealms()[0]?.entity_id || "0"; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 10 Why: Ensuring `entityId` is always defined before conversion to `BigInt` prevents potential runtime errors, which is a significant improvement for code robustness and reliability.
    Improve the safety of accessing properties on potentially undefined objects ___ **Consider checking if selectedEntityId is defined before attempting to access its id
    property to avoid potential runtime errors. You can use optional chaining (?.) for safer
    access.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/BottomNavigation.tsx [46]]( ```diff -const army = getArmyByEntityId(selectedEntityId?.id || BigInt("0")); +const army = getArmyByEntityId(selectedEntityId?.id ?? BigInt("0")); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: The suggestion improves the safety of accessing properties on potentially undefined objects, which can prevent runtime errors.
    Add a key prop to the parent
    in the map function for better performance
    ___ **Add a key to the parent
    element in the map function to ensure that React can efficiently
    update and render elements. This is particularly important in lists to prevent rendering
    issues and improve performance.** [client/src/ui/components/hints/HintBox.tsx [70-71]]( ```diff{ description, completed }, index) => ( -
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: Adding a `key` prop to the parent `
    ` in the map function is important for React to efficiently update and render elements, preventing rendering issues and improving performance.
    Improve the definition of isOffscreen function to avoid unnecessary redefinitions ___ **To ensure that the isOffscreen function is not redefined every time the component
    re-renders, it should be defined outside of the component or wrapped in a useCallback hook
    if it depends on props or state.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/RightNavigationModule.tsx [252-254]]( ```diff -const isOffscreen = (view: View) => { +const isOffscreen = useCallback((view: View) => { return view === View.None; -}; +}, []); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: Wrapping the `isOffscreen` function in a `useCallback` hook improves performance by preventing unnecessary redefinitions on each render, which is crucial for maintaining efficient rendering in React components.
    Move armyHasTroops outside of useQuests to prevent unnecessary re-creations ___ **The function armyHasTroops could be moved outside of the component to prevent it from
    being recreated on every render. This would improve performance, especially if useQuests
    is used frequently across re-renders.** [client/src/hooks/store/useQuestStore.tsx [167-175]]( ```diff const armyHasTroops = (entityArmies: ArmyInfo[]) => {...}; +export const useQuests = () => {...}; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Moving `armyHasTroops` outside of `useQuests` prevents unnecessary re-creations of the function, which can improve performance. This is a good practice for optimizing frequently used hooks.
    Improve the stability and efficiency of useMemo by using a stable hash of the account object ___ **Consider using a more robust key extraction method for useMemo to avoid unnecessary
    recalculations. The current dependencies list includes account.address which might not be
    stable across re-renders. Using a stable hash of the account object or specific stable
    properties might be more efficient.** [client/src/hooks/store/useQuestStore.tsx [150]]( ```diff -useMemo(() => {...}, [farms, resource, orders, entityArmies, HasClaimedStartingResources, entityId, account.address]); +useMemo(() => {...}, [farms, resource, orders, entityArmies, HasClaimedStartingResources, entityId, JSON.stringify(account)]); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: This suggestion improves the stability and efficiency of the `useMemo` hook by using a stable hash of the account object, which can prevent unnecessary recalculations. However, the improvement is minor and does not address a critical issue.
    Optimize performance by avoiding repeated BigInt instantiation ___ **Avoid using BigInt("0") as a fallback value directly inside the component render. Instead,
    define a constant outside of the component to prevent creating a new BigInt on every
    render.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/BottomNavigation.tsx [46]]( ```diff -const army = getArmyByEntityId(selectedEntityId?.id || BigInt("0")); +const DEFAULT_ENTITY_ID = BigInt("0"); +const army = getArmyByEntityId(selectedEntityId?.id || DEFAULT_ENTITY_ID); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion optimizes performance by avoiding repeated BigInt instantiation, which is a good practice for improving efficiency.
    Simplify the initialization of activeSection state for efficiency ___ **Initialize the activeSection state directly with the initialActiveSection prop if it
    exists, otherwise default to the first section. This simplifies the code by removing the
    need for the find operation on the sections array, which can be inefficient if the array
    is large.** [client/src/ui/components/hints/HintModal.tsx [65-67]]( ```diff -const [activeSection, setActiveSection] = useState( - sections.find((section) => === initialActiveSection) || sections[0], -); +const [activeSection, setActiveSection] = useState(initialActiveSection || sections[0].name); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Simplifying the initialization of `activeSection` state can improve code readability and slightly enhance performance. However, the performance gain is minimal and the current code is not incorrect.
    Best practice
    Add missing dependencies to useEffect to ensure it updates correctly ___ **Refactor the useEffect hook at line 152 to include quests in its dependencies array. This
    ensures that the effect correctly responds to changes in quests, aligning with React's
    best practices for effects that depend on props or state.** [client/src/hooks/store/useQuestStore.tsx [152-154]]( ```diff useEffect(() => { setQuests(quests); -}, []); +}, [quests]); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: Adding `quests` to the dependencies array of the `useEffect` hook ensures that the effect updates correctly when `quests` change, aligning with React's best practices. This is crucial for the correct functioning of the component.
    Ensure useMemo dependencies are correctly specified for accurate updates ___ **The useMemo hook for isWorldView is missing its dependencies. Include location in the
    dependency array to ensure it updates correctly when location changes.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/BottomNavigation.tsx [42]]( ```diff +const isWorldView = useMemo(() => location === "/map", [location]); - ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies a missing dependency in the `useMemo` hook, ensuring that the memoized value updates accurately when `location` changes.
    Use type assertion instead of Number for type safety in findResourceById ___ **Avoid using Number for type casting directly within the findResourceById function call.
    Instead, ensure that resourceId is the correct type earlier in the code or use
    TypeScript's type assertion more safely.** [client/src/ui/components/hints/Resources.tsx [18]]( ```diff -resource: findResourceById(Number(resourceId)), +resource: findResourceById(resourceId as number), ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Using type assertion instead of `Number` for type casting improves type safety and aligns with TypeScript best practices, reducing the risk of runtime errors.
    Replace array indexes with unique identifiers as keys in React list items ___ **It is recommended to avoid using indexes as keys in React lists if the order of items may
    change, as it could lead to performance issues and bugs. Use a unique identifier if
    available.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/RightNavigationModule.tsx [178-180]]( ```diff -{, index) => ( -
    +{ => ( +
    ))} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Using unique identifiers instead of array indexes as keys in React list items is a best practice that helps prevent potential performance issues and bugs related to reordering of items.
    Improve type safety by using a more specific type for the entityId prop ___ **Consider using a more specific type for the entityId prop in the HintBox component to
    ensure type safety. Currently, it is typed as bigint, which is very generic. If entityId
    is expected to be a specific kind of identifier, using a more specific type or creating a
    custom type could help catch errors during development.** [client/src/ui/components/hints/HintBox.tsx [9]]( ```diff -export const HintBox = ({ quest, entityId }: { quest: Quest; entityId: bigint }) => { +export const HintBox = ({ quest, entityId }: { quest: Quest; entityId: EntityIdType }) => { ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Using a more specific type for `entityId` can improve type safety and catch errors during development. However, the suggestion is not crucial and does not address a major bug or issue.
    Use more descriptive variable names to enhance code readability ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name than a for the map function in the
    navigation array to improve code readability.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/RightNavigationModule.tsx [178-180]]( ```diff -{, index) => ( -
    +{, index) => ( +
    ))} ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Using a more descriptive variable name enhances code readability and maintainability, making it easier for other developers to understand the code.
    Simplify class application by directly using conditional expressions instead of clsx when unnecessary ___ **The clsx function is used to conditionally apply classes, but it's being used without
    conditional classes in some instances. You can directly pass the class names to the
    className prop when no conditions are applied.** [client/src/ui/modules/navigation/RightNavigationModule.tsx [76-89]]( ```diff { setLastView(View.ResourceTable); setView(View.ResourceTable); }} /> ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Simplifying the class application by directly using conditional expressions instead of `clsx` when unnecessary can make the code more straightforward and slightly improve performance.