BibliothecaDAO / eternum

onchain eternal game
MIT License
36 stars 30 forks source link

not able to accept 'deposit resources' on FragmentMine #989

Open nftbulbhead opened 1 week ago

nftbulbhead commented 1 week ago

I tried to send 400 donkey to my shardMine but I can't accept them there.

console output: Uncaught (in promise) j2: RPC: starknet_estimateFee with params { "request": [ { "type": "INVOKE", "sender_address": "0x479cb5e527510f3707d9bd347ff60939aae284fa4f848962c8cbff7a4c78985", "calldata": [ "0x1", "0x45bcbc495cb2398deaa0dd3000b8e69b42e3c010aa3bc4b50cddded6ef7bce1", "0x38fb7b2e3c9c2e712beb3f0810da51cfd22c24f931002cf7b8fe9ec042de50c", "0x5", "0x270", "0x26f", "0x1", "0xf9", "0x61a80" ], "version": "0x100000000000000000000000000000001", "signature": [], "nonce": "0x17d", "max_fee": "0x0" } ], "block_id": "pending", "simulation_flags": [ "SKIP_VALIDATE" ] }

    41: Transaction execution error: {"execution_error":"transaction reverted: Error in the called contract (0x0479cb5e527510f3707d9bd347ff60939aae284fa4f848962c8cbff7a4c78985):\nError at pc=0:4573:\nGot an exception while executing a hint: Execution failed. Failure reason: \"resource locked for entity 623\".\nCairo traceback (most recent call last):\nUnknown location (pc=0:67)\nUnknown location (pc=0:1835)\nUnknown location (pc=0:2478)\nUnknown location (pc=0:3255)\nUnknown location (pc=0:3795)\n\nError in the called contract (0x045bcbc495cb2398deaa0dd3000b8e69b42e3c010aa3bc4b50cddded6ef7bce1):\nExecution failed. Failure reason: \"resource locked for entity 623\".\n","transaction_index":0}
at ede.errorHandler (
at ede.fetchEndpoint (
at async RE.getSuggestedFee (
at async RE.getUniversalSuggestedFee (
at async RE.execute (
at async _0.execute (
at async _0.executeAndCheckTransaction (
at async _0.send_resources (
at async Object.send_resources (
at async u (
nftbulbhead commented 1 week ago
Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 15 34 07
aymericdelab commented 1 week ago

thanks for creating the issue ! we'll look into it

aymericdelab commented 1 week ago

@credence0x do you have any idea where this could come from ?

ponderingdemocritus commented 1 week ago

is this still happening @nftbulbhead

nftbulbhead commented 1 week ago
Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 23 15 58

is this still happening @nftbulbhead


nftbulbhead commented 1 week ago

no battle happening there^^