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physipy integration for units #30

Open Xyhlon opened 2 years ago

Xyhlon commented 2 years ago

Two way this can be accomplished either I: with another attribute of the custom Symbol class which is a Quantity object from physipy or II: use the dtype integration that they were working on and incorporate it with our ufloat dtype integration.

Cons of each method: I: a lot of boilerplate code and testing involved II: a lot of tinkering with dtypes basically no documentation meaning reading a lot of code Pros of each method: I: easy II: it seams like there is less boilerplate i think and it is more elegant

Units: I: Are tied to the abstract symbol II: Are tied to the actual data and thus be loaded in with the csv

Things to read: I: datamodel of python, our Symbol class, Quantity, Inheritence in Python II: physipandas implementation of dtypes you can learn a lot,our dtypes, Inheritence in Python

mocquin commented 1 year ago

Hi, I noticed you were considering integration of physipy in your project. If you are still interested in doing so, let me know ! I'd be happy to help