Big-Bee-Network / UCSB-IZC00012194

create animated gif of bee specimen using UCSB ICZ, preston, ffmpeg, and friends
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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invite others to submit a pull request to add a derived product (e.g., 3D model) to an existing specimen data package publication #10

Open jhpoelen opened 1 year ago

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

proposed workflow:

  1. track DwC-A


preston track 
  1. extract content hashes from records somehow


preston head  | preston cat | preston dwc-stream | grep -E 'hash://[a-zA-Z0-9]+/[a-fA-F0-9]+'  | jq --raw-output '.[""]' | grep -v null
derivedFromSameIndividual: | derivedFromSameIndividual: | derivedFromSameIndividual:
derivedFromSameIndividual: | derivedFromSameIndividual:

which means that two records had a "associatedOccurrences" value with something "hash://...." in it.

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

Once you have the content hash, you should be able to discover it


preston ls --anchor hash://md5/4940f68c84cffa4412f7ffb98bb255bd --remote

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

Also, you can extend it, by adding tracked content:


preston track "donald duck"

or you can make statements:

echo " hash://sha256/abcd

"a pretty cool ASCII animation of a spinning bee" . " | preston append to extend the specimen data package. Optionally, you can submit the extension for review with Katja via tool XYZ (e.g., github, reference to a zenodo publication, os just a hash). E.g., Hey, I looked at your publication A (hash://sha256/abcdef.....) , and I've annotated and extended your bee data package through my publication B (hash://sha256/xyz123... ) . Now, publicatoin B (hash://sha256/xyz123...) contains a reference to publication A (hash://sha256/abcdef.....) in their provenance (or origin log).
jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

To make specific claims on how pub A and pub B are related, you can used . . . provenance logs! with specific claims on how, who, what and where, when, pub A and pub B were related.

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

an in DwC-A you can make shortcuts like:

hasExtension: hash://sha256/abcdef

hash://sha256/abcdef: datapackage hash://sha256/abcdef: application/otn-traits

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

suggest to borrow relations from Provenance Ontology (aka Prov-O) or its related Provenance Authoring and Versioning (PAV) ontology.