The Public Health Environmental Surveillance Open Data Model (PHES-ODM, or ODM). A data model, dictionary and support tools for environmental surveillance.
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Sharing implementation of function in code for filtering rows #191
check the rules that apply to the organization user requested
Iterate through each organization rule ( file has main function for that)
Iterate through each table in rule to check (
create list of variables of different datatypes in current rule (
Iterate through each ruleValue present (checks if it is of range type or single value) (
Checks the datatype of ruleValue as well to check if it is of datetime or not using regular expression. ( and
Iterate through each variable in the list of specific datatype found to check if the ruleValue exists in each of those variables.
( and and
Filters the rows.
Returns the summary of the current data with rows removed. (in the final file)
the code consists of following parts: