Big-Life-Lab / bllflow

Big Life Lab Flow (BLLFlow) - a workflow for open, reproducible research. Includes support for PMML, DDI.
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Constructor ddi utility #35

Closed rvyuha closed 5 years ago

rvyuha commented 5 years ago

Made the bllConstructor lighter and added some additional functions exported functions

DougManuel commented 5 years ago

Can you change variableStartLabel to startLabel and all other similar names, except variableStart?

I realize this means the MSW files need to be changed, including Google Sheets.

variableStart makes sense, but not the other references to variable....

DougManuel commented 5 years ago

\n is added to pbcDDI object when there is a carriage return in the xml file. Remove.

e.g. "\nMayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data\n"

DougManuel commented 5 years ago

This is a change from our specification. Change in how we create populatedVariableDetailsSheet.

You are creating a new row entry for any variable in variableDetails that is in variableStart.

Could you populate a new row, but use the 'regular' variables?

So, instead use variableType instead of startVariableType, etc.

These variables would then have a similar format as the other variables and we'd never use startVariableType.

All the new variables would have NA for variableDummy. For target, could the value be = startVariable? method = NA reference = 'NA' low' and 'high = NA databaseStart = Name of the database (pbcDDI$ddiObject$codeBook$docDscr$citation$IDNo). We should make sure our variableDetails sheet should have the correct IDNo or IDNo that corresponds to what is in varibleDetails

DougManuel commented 5 years ago

Could you also do the same for all variables in the variables sheet?

So, for variables, there should be row entries in populatedVariableDetailsSheet for each variable, if not already there.

DougManuel commented 5 years ago

Move all .csv and .xml example files into the main extdata folder. Except when we create new .csv files from within bllflow vignettes. Let's use that 'test-folder'.