Big-Life-Lab / cchsflow

Variable transformation and harmonization for the Canadian Community Health Survey
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New categorical age, depression, and influenza variables #64

Closed wyusuf068 closed 4 years ago

wyusuf068 commented 4 years ago

Breaking changes:

New variables added:

DougManuel commented 4 years ago

Update to reflect changes in this repo

rvyuha commented 4 years ago

@DougManuel @wyusuf068 @yulric rec_with_table containing support for intervals is up

DougManuel commented 4 years ago

DPSDSF - Isn't this a categorical variable. Suggest a bit more description in variableStartLabel and catLabelLong that is excerpted from the documentation. See my suggestions for DPSDPP as an example.

1 ) Derived Depression Scale - Short Form Score DPSDSF DPS_02, DPS_05, DPS_06, DPS_08A, DPS_08B, DPS_10, DPS_11, DPS_12, DPS_13, DPS_16, DPS_17, DPS_18, DPS_19, DPS_21A, DPS_21B, DPS_23, DPS_24, DPS_25, DPS_26 This variable assesses the depression level of respondents who felt depressed or lost interest in things for 2 weeks or more last year. These include normal periods of sadness (for example, after the death of a loved one), as well as "serious" depression. The items used to measure depression are based on the work of Kessler and Mroczek (from University of Michigan). They selected a subset of items from the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) that measure major depressive episodes (MDE). The CIDI is a structure diagnostic instrument that was designed to produce diagnoses according to the definitions and the criteria of both DSM-lll-R and the Diagnostic Criteria for the Research of the ICD-10. The short-form of MDE used in the CCHS was developed to operationalize Criteria A through C of the DSM-III-R diagnosis of MDE. The diagnostic hierarchy rules defined in the Criterion D (not superimposed on schizophrenia, schizophrenia form disorder, delusional disorders, or psychotic disorders NOS) were ignored. Higher scores indicate higher level of depression. National Comorbidity Survey: Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI): Variable name: Based on: Description: Note: Internet site: Value Condition(s) Description Notes Specifications 96 DODEP = 2 Module not selected NA 99 ADM_PRX = 1 Module not asked - proxy interview NS 99 (DPST02 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST05 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST06 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST08A = DK, R, NS) or (DPST10 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST11 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST12 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST13 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST16 = DK, R, NS) or (DPS_17 = DK, R, NS) or (DPS_18 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST19 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST21A = DK, R, NS) or (DPST23 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST24 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST25 = DK, R, NS) or (DPST26 = DK, R, NS) At least one required question was not answered NS (don’t know, refusal, not stated) 0 DPST02 < NA and DPST05 = NA and DPST19 = NA Did not feel depressed or did not lose interest in things for two weeks last year, or did so only mildly (less than most of day and at least almost everyday for at least two weeks) DPST02 + DPST05 + DPST06 + DPST08A + DPST10 + DPST11 + DPST12 + DPST13 DPST02 = 1 and (DPST05 = 1, 0) and (DPST06 = 1, 0) and (DPST08A = 1, 0) and (DPST10 = 1, 0) and (DPST11 = 1, 0) and (DPST12 = 1, 0) a

wyusuf068 commented 4 years ago

@DougManuel DPSDSF is considered a continuous variable from 0 to 8 in CCHS documentation. DPSDPP, however, is considered a categorical variable in CCHS documentation. Since the categories in DPSDPP are numeric values, we had decided to specify it as a continuous variable from 0 to 0.90. I will create .R scripts for these two variables elaborating more on how these variables were derived and why they were specified as continuous variables.