BigBoot / AutoKuma

AutoKuma is a utility that automates the creation of Uptime Kuma monitors based on Docker container labels. With AutoKuma, you can eliminate the need for manual monitor creation in the Uptime Kuma UI.
MIT License
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Multiple checks for single pod? #38

Open johntdyer opened 2 months ago

johntdyer commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to define two different checks on a container ?

BigBoot commented 2 months ago

Yes, you just need to use different ids for the monitors "First Http Monitor"
kuma.monitor_1.http.url: "" "Second Http Monitor"
kuma.monitor_2.http.url: ""
johntdyer commented 2 months ago

I assume we can have multiple template references in a containers label?

      kuma.__web: '{ "host": "promtail", "port" :9080, "parent_group" : "group-monitoring" "max_retries":3}'
      kuma.__mqtt: '{ "host": "promtail", "port" :1884, "parent_group" : "group-monitoring" "max_retries":3}'
BigBoot commented 2 months ago

Yes that should work