BigDataIA-Spring2023-Team-03 / Assignment3

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End user testing (Bugs) - Team01 #9

Open AnanditaDeb opened 1 year ago

AnanditaDeb commented 1 year ago
  1. In the Admin dashboard for user “team01gold” only NEXRAD API endpoints were accessed however the graph for “team01gold” shows different set of activity and shows GEOS endpoints being accessed as well which were not called
  2. As the gold user we were able to make more than 15 api calls and the left side of the screen indicating the remaining API calls remained unchanged.
  3. When registering a new user, after registration is complete the user is automatically logged in without having to navigate to the login page.
  4. For GEOS when searching for files using fields we do not see the current data and the dropdown is only available till day 058
  5. Without logging in as a user/admin the left side menu shows the number of API calls left and indicates a number of -100
  6. In the Admin Dashboard, the usage graph showing reports for each of the users are exactly the same, even when you use different usages for different users. Out of 6 visual representations all remain unchanged with no change in metrics
  7. After updating the subscription type, the change doesn't automatically reflect in the left side of the screen unless you click in the “ Check remaining api request” option.