BigNerd95 / Chimay-Red

Working POC of Mikrotik exploit from Vault 7 CIA Leaks
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Got stuck rewriting shellcode #44

Open Zveroloff opened 6 years ago

Zveroloff commented 6 years ago

Could you help with editing the shellcode? I want to send just /nova/bin/info, bypassing bash shell

BigNerd95 commented 6 years ago

Why do you want edit the shell code? Just write this command:

./ 80 www_binary '/nova/bin/info "your_mikrotik_command" '
Zveroloff commented 6 years ago

I want to rewrite it, because I'm dealing with already hacked device, and standard way is not working. Because the device is accessible by port 80 and reports the same (vulnerable) RouterOS version, my idea is to rewrite the shellcode to run just system utility, not bash. Possibly, the attackers made something to bash

BigNerd95 commented 6 years ago

So edit this line Replace

shell_code += b'/bin/bash\x00' 


shell_code += b'/nova/bin/info\x00' 

Edit line Replace

shell_code += b'-c\x00'


shell_code += b'\x20\x00'

Now you can use it:

./ 80 www_binary "your_mikrotik_command"

I didn't test this mods, but i think they will work

Zveroloff commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I thought about this, but this way I'll get execve("/nova/bin/info", ["/nova/bin/info", " ", "user_command"]), is it normal to repeat executable in parameter array?

BigNerd95 commented 6 years ago


argv is an array of argument strings passed to the new program.  By
       convention, the first of these strings (i.e., argv[0]) should contain
       the filename associated with the file being executed.
Zveroloff commented 6 years ago

Oh, thank you!