Implement feature 2345 to enhance the application's functionality.
Why we need the feature
Feature 2345 will provide users with additional capabilities that improve user experience and meet new requirements. Incorporating this feature will keep the application competitive and aligned with user needs.
How to implement and why
To implement feature 2345, we need to:
Analyze Requirements
Understand the specific details and specifications of feature 2345.
Consult any available documentation or stakeholders for clarity.
Update the Source Code
Modify existing modules or create new components within the src directory to support the new feature.
Ensure that any necessary models in the models directory are updated or added.
Adjust Configuration Files
Update next.config.js if there are any changes required for routing or environment variables.
Modify tailwind.config.ts and postcss.config.js if there are styling or CSS processing needs.
Database Changes
Utilize the prisma directory to manage any database schema changes.
Run necessary migrations to update the database structure.
Update Documentation
Add or modify content in the documentation directory to reflect the new feature.
Ensure that the contains up-to-date information for developers.
Write unit and integration tests within the src and tests directories to verify the new functionality.
Ensure all existing tests pass to maintain application stability.
Scripts and Deployment
Update any relevant scripts in the scripts directory for build and deployment processes.
Modify docker-compose.yml and Procfile if deployment configurations need changes.
Following these steps ensures a systematic implementation that covers all aspects of the application.
Updating documentation and tests maintains code quality and helps other developers understand the changes.
About backward compatibility
We need to maintain backward compatibility because:
User Experience: Existing users rely on current features; breaking them could lead to user dissatisfaction.
Stability: Ensuring backward compatibility minimizes the risk of introducing bugs into the production environment.
Integration: Other systems or services that interact with our application expect certain behaviors that should remain consistent.
All new changes should be additive and should not alter existing APIs or functionalities unless absolutely necessary.
Resolves #10030
What is the feature
Implement feature 2345 to enhance the application's functionality.
Why we need the feature
Feature 2345 will provide users with additional capabilities that improve user experience and meet new requirements. Incorporating this feature will keep the application competitive and aligned with user needs.
How to implement and why
To implement feature 2345, we need to:
Analyze Requirements
Update the Source Code
directory to support the new feature.models
directory are updated or added.Adjust Configuration Files
if there are any changes required for routing or environment variables.tailwind.config.ts
if there are styling or CSS processing needs.Database Changes
directory to manage any database schema changes.Update Documentation
directory to reflect the new
contains up-to-date information for developers.Testing
directories to verify the new functionality.Scripts and Deployment
directory for build and deployment processes.docker-compose.yml
if deployment configurations need changes.Reasons:
About backward compatibility
We need to maintain backward compatibility because:
All new changes should be additive and should not alter existing APIs or functionalities unless absolutely necessary.
Test these changes locally