BigelowLab / gstream-old

R language package to serve Gulf Stream mapped data
MIT License
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adding GSGI #4

Open btupper opened 1 month ago

btupper commented 1 month ago

GSGI data through 2019 are available here.

Obtain the data like this...

$ wget

Here's what we get when we unpack the .mat matlab formatted file.

List of 7
 $ LON1          : num [1, 1] 285
 $ LON2          : num [1, 1] 309
 $ SST.N.deseason: num [1:324, 1] -0.731 0.377 0.554 0.893 0.205 ...
 $ SST.S.deseason: num [1:324, 1] -0.291 -0.35 -0.358 -0.29 -0.331 ...
 $ YR            : num [1, 1:27] 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 ...
 $ dSST.deseason : num [1:324, 1] -0.44 0.726 0.911 1.184 0.536 ...
 $ readme        : chr [1, 1] "dSST=SST_N minus SST_S"
 - attr(*, "header")=List of 3
  ..$ description: chr "MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI64, Created on: Wed May 19 14:40:12 2021                                         "
  ..$ version    : chr "5"
  ..$ endian     : chr "little"

Presumably the dSST.deseason is the gradient index

btupper commented 1 month ago

And the paper

But is this the same as the "GSI"?

btupper commented 1 month ago

No - GSI seems to be a location index, but GSGI is a SST gradient index