BiggerSeries / BiggerReactors

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Reactor Computer Port missing documentation #23

Open fatboychummy opened 2 years ago

fatboychummy commented 2 years ago

As the title states.

I help a lot in a discord server for computercraft and etc, and a common thing I've noticed is people rolling in stating that bigger reactors has changed the functions that are used, but that there is no docs for it.

Basic documentation would be nice to have, or if some already exists could you point me to it?

gizmocodes commented 2 years ago

Yeah, currently our documentation is lacking because none of us have taken the time to really work on the wiki. Currently, until documentation is written for it, the best way to see what functions there are is literally by looking at the source (which isn't ideal, but it works for now).

Inside of the the source files, each function that can be called will have an @LuaFunction above it. These are the three peripherals defined for CC usage: Reactor, Turbine, Heat Exchanger. As an example, (this is from memory) you should be able to do connected() as a function for the Reactor Computer Port, and it should return true or false depending on whether the reactor is properly assembled. Rogue can correct me if needed, since he was the one who wrote the peripherals (as well as most of the mod).

We hope to have the wiki properly updated with an easily navigable page at some point in the future, but it just hasn't happened yet. If you would like, me and Rogue can provide more support in the Discord for more usage on the various functions. I'mma leave this issue up though because it is something we need to do for the wiki.

Wolf1596Games commented 2 years ago

Is there any way I can get a link to that Discord? I'm trying to modify a program that was written a few years ago for BigReactor control but there are some functions that don't exist/aren't working properly and I'd like some help.

RogueLogix commented 2 years ago

its on curseforge

fatboychummy commented 2 years ago

Is there any way I can get a link to that Discord? I'm trying to modify a program that was written a few years ago for BigReactor control but there are some functions that don't exist/aren't working properly and I'd like some help.

We're the Minecraft Computer Mods discord server.

Rising-Galaxy commented 10 months ago

How to use them? e.g. local reactor = peripheral.find("BiggerReactors_Reactor") local fuel = reactor.fuel() if I wanna use the fuel() function, it is right? but it tell me: attempt to call field 'fuel'

Mitchell5200 commented 10 months ago

@Rising-Galaxy There's a pending PR to the BiR wiki, in it is some documentation about the computer port, Post from BiR discord below

until the PR for the wiki update gets merged,

OR, the direct code links

Rising-Galaxy commented 10 months ago

Thank you. This has been very helpful to me