Bihaqo / t3f

Tensor Train decomposition on TensorFlow
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How to count FLOPs? #220

Open miladdona opened 2 years ago

miladdona commented 2 years ago


How can I count number of floating point operation in kerasdense layers in this library (t3f)?

In normal way we do Y = AX + b in a dense layer in keras: Y: output X: input A: weights (in dense layers is a 2-D matrix in shape (m, n)) b: bias *num of FLOPs: m n + b**

But in t3f I don't know how can I count FLOPs?


Bihaqo commented 2 years ago


You can ask TF about flops count of some function as discussed here:

But when I tried using it on the TT layer, it returns zero:

I'll figure it out..

Bihaqo commented 2 years ago

I think this should be about right:

(Note that the FLOP count in this example is not very impressive because the layer is super small)

miladdona commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your answer. Why do you mentioned in this link Approximate number of flops of a TT-layer.? Why it is not accurate?!

Bihaqo commented 2 years ago

The bottleneck of the TT-layer is tensor contractions (~= matrix multiplications) and they are counted correctly here. However, there are also much cheaper reshapes and axis transposes and I don't know exactly which and how many of them there are because to implement the layer I use tf.einsum operation which automatically converts tensor contraction rule into a sequence of reshapes / transposes / matrix multiplications. So in the function above I added approximate number of FLOPs that is enough to do one reshape, but this might not be entirely accurate.

Aelphy commented 2 years ago

you can count the flops of einsum using np.einsum_path

miladdona commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

I had a mistake in the post: *num of FLOPs: m n + b this is num of params in a dense layer and num of flops in a dense layer calculate by : 2 m n anyway, in general I found by using this library we decrease the num of params (memory) and increase the num of flops (speed)**. Am I right?

I have access to this link: and the papers mentioned in this link. Do you have any other document or tutorial to understand this library (in depth)?

Thanks. Miladdona

Aelphy commented 2 years ago

depends on the settings, sometimes it is possible to reduce FLOPs as well with really low rank

miladdona commented 2 years ago

Why do you use this statement at the end of for-loop: _input_right *= core_left / coreleft Is this a mistake or no?

miladdona commented 2 years ago

Also, input_left and core_right are equal. This is correct or no?