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Error / no data on #25

Closed tordans closed 4 years ago

tordans commented 4 years ago

I get an error at for a few days now.

Error Something went wrong. Either our server didn't respond or the request was blocked by your browser. Please refresh the page and contact Bike Ottawa if this error doesn't go away.

There is a cyclehack-weekend the comming weekend where I want to show how great those three maps are. It would be awesome, if you could get it back up until then :-).

Thanks for those great maps!

tordans commented 4 years ago

Those are the errors from the chrome browser console:

479 -75.69501434011754 45.41759068790711 ?&lat=45.41759068790711&lng=-75.69501434011754&lts=lts4&:481 GET 502 (Bad Gateway) …

1 Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

494 TypeError: Failed to fetch (anonymous) @ ?&lat=45.41759068790711&lng=-75.69501434011754&lts=lts4&:494 Promise.catch (async) fetchIsochrones @ ?&lat=45.41759068790711&lng=-75.69501434011754&lts=lts4&:493 (anonymous) @ ?&lat=45.41759068790711&lng=-75.69501434011754&lts=lts4&:381 @ evented.js:115 @ evented.js:130 i._load @ style.js:260 (anonymous) @ style.js:196 r.onload @ ajax.js:89 load (async) t.getJSON @ ajax.js:81 i.loadURL @ style.js:191 o.setStyle @ map.js:965 o @ map.js:382 (anonymous) @ ?&lat=45.41759068790711&lng=-75.69501434011754&lts=lts4&:131

matthewdarwin commented 4 years ago

How is it now?

tordans commented 4 years ago

@matthewdarwin I see results again, thanks a lot!

Quick question – not sure if its a bug or feature: shows a small area. But all lts2,3,4 show the same area To me it looks like there is only data for 1 and 4, maybe?

matthewdarwin commented 4 years ago

You picked a starting point that is very connected on LTS2, so changing LTS to LTS3 or LTS4 makes no difference. Change the starting point and you will see different results.