Biktorgj / quectel_eg25_recovery

Stock firmware recovery packages for Quectel EG25-G
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did the upgrade work? kernel still reports outdated firmware #1

Closed lazmol closed 3 years ago

lazmol commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have recently upgraded the motherboard of my ubports edition pinephone and tried to upgrade the firmware of the modem. I have unlcoked it following this page by compiling and running the qadbkey-unlock c code with 23534831, which gave me the output


To disable ADB, run: (beware that modem will not be able to enter sleep with ADB enabled!!)

Ran the first two commands after running sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB2 I have restarted the modem in edl with sudo adb reboot edl and confirmed with lsusb that it is in QDL mode, then ran the upgrade with: sudo ./qfirehose_arm64 -f ./ > upgrade.log The end of the output was (I could not attach a file, but I can send the full output if you want):

[032.345]: Upgrade progress:   100
[032.347]: send finished
[032.348]: <log value="Finished sector address 13952"/>
[032.348]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="false" />
[032.348]: <power value="reset" />
[032.349]: <log value="Inside handlePower() - Requested POWER_RESET"/>
[032.349]: <response value="ACK" />
[033.351]: inf[0] ep_in -1/1024, errno = 108 (Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown)
[033.351]: qusb_noblock_read read=-1, errno: 108 (Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown)
[033.351]: qusb_noblock_read cur=0, min_size=1
[033.351]: firehose_protocol.c fh_recv_cmd 309 fail
[033.351]: THE TOTAL DOWNLOAD TIME IS 29.305 s
[033.351]: Upgrade module successfully.

I've just cloned your repo, so I was on the default branch (EG25GGBR07A08M2G_01.003.01.003). Waited for the modem to come up, rebooted the phone, ran journalctl -xb --no-pager | grep modem > modem.log, still shows that it is outdated:

Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: ===================================================
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Project Name: EG25G
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Project Rev : EG25GGBR07A08M2G_01.003
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Branch  Name: 9x07_R07_NEW
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Custom Name : STD
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Build   Date: 2020-11-09,18:01
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Version:        SBLR07EG25G01_1:37500: May 30 2
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Version:        TZR07A03: Dec  2 2019
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Version:        RPMR07A03_1:37500: Dec  2 2019
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: ===================================================
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: Your modem has an outdated firmware. Latest know version is EG25GGBR07A08M2G_01.002.07. Consider updating.
Dec 24 13:18:22 lacophone kernel: modem-power serial1-0: ADB KEY is '23534831' (you can use it to unlock ADB access to the modem, see

Again, can send all kernel messages with 'modem'. Maybe the upgrade was indeed successful, it is just the kernel that thinks it's the 01.002.07 version that's the latest?

Thanks for any help in advance!

I am running manjaroarm phosh beta4 with kernel:

$ uname -a
Linux lacophone 5.10.1-1-MANJARO-ARM #1 SMP Tue Dec 15 10:43:36 UTC 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Biktorgj commented 3 years ago

Your firmware has been updated, it's just the modem kernel driver looking for another version. There have been some reports of some issues during sleep with the latest firmware, so you might actually want to downgrade to EG25GGBR07A08M2G_01.002.07, which looks more stable. Plus points, modem-power won't complain after downgrading

lazmol commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Biktorgj ! How to downgrade to version EG25GGBR07A08M2G_01.002.07? I do not see such a branch. Or is it the EG25GGBR07A08M2G_01.002.01.002?

Biktorgj commented 3 years ago

I thought I had pushed it, sorry

Let me know if it works for you

lazmol commented 3 years ago

I thought I had pushed it, sorry

Let me know if it works for you

Cheers! Worked like a charm, kernel message is gone too. I close this issue (will use as a reference for a future upgrade). Thx again!