BillDStrong / Base-Ryzom

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Missing texture file for ca_hof_armor01 model #1

Open rjshae opened 3 years ago

rjshae commented 3 years ago

Under 'Base-Ryzom/database/stuff/caravan/agents/_textures/actors/', it appears that there is a missing texture file: 'ca_hof_armor01_bras_c1.png'. (The 'c1' part may be something else.) This upper arm texture is the only one I can't find for the 'ca_hof_armor01.max.fobj.obj' model in the Open3D-Models project. Thank you.

rjshae commented 3 years ago

The 'ca_hof_medic' model has the same issue; it's missing the upper arm texture, 'ca_hof_medic01_bras_c1.png'.