Closes #162 with the change requested and updated to rvest >= 1.0.0.
## 1. Some GitHub workflow updates
- Create
- Create
- Create pkgdown.yaml
- Create R-CMD-check.yaml
- Update .Rbuildignore
- Delete .travis.yml (moving to R-CMD-Check github workflow since Travis-CI now has limited support for continuous integration for open source projects and GitHub Actions has stepped in as a drop-in replacement. (when these workflows run, they show up in the repository `Actions` tab.) GitHub Actions are highly useful, versatile, can be used for a number of useful things other than just package checks and documentation website building.
## 2. An attempt at updating some documented datasets and documentation
- Create data-raw/create_bref_abbreviation.R …
This is a small function to adjust some things for team names in differing eras. it's sorta working, could probably take a little more elbow grease
- Update teams_lu_table.rda … upated from `data-raw/create_bref_abbreviation.R`
- Slight updates to documentation `scrape_savant_leaderboards()` had a typo in one of the arguments leading to some warnings.
- Previously undocumented `teams_lu_table` and `stats_api_live_empty_df`
## 3. Do it for the CRAN
- Another behavior that may be unfamiliar to you is that I had to remove any assigning of datasets to the global environement throughout the package. That's basically not allowed from what I understand.
- rlang's .data$ requirement and adding explicit function calls like … …`dplyr::`
- Fixing these .[length(.)-1] things as well as the previous commit message things
- add import of rlang and data documentation …
- Improving examples, upgrading syntax of underlying code to modern dplyr (> 0.7.0) styles.
## 4. Tests (work in progress)
- adding tests
- I went straight down the `R/` file list and I think I am basically done with the tests I am going to write.
- So far there are **79 test checks** in the package
These are the ones not getting tests since they appear to be applied on a dataframe (without the pipeline written in the examples, I didn't want to just guess.)
> * fip_plus.R
> * ggspraychart.R
> * linear_weights_savant.R
> * process_statcast_payload.R
> * run_expectancy_code.R
> * run_expectancy_table.R
> * statline_from_statcast.R
> * viz_gb_on_period.R
> * woba_plus.R
> Boils down to vizzes and model prep code. If it's written outside the pipeline and there isn't a convenience function, it'd take me more time than I'd care to in order to figure out what goes where.
- A couple minor things to fix the tests so that they would pass. The main thing is I added a supressWarnings to the read_csv in any of the player lookup functions... and I added supressWarnings to basically any function that did a conversion to numeric that results in the creation of NA's.
## 5. Substantive code change to fix small issues or simplify
- Update batter_game_logs_fg.R … fix grepl to actually extract the `%` before trying to rename it (it causes it to null out otherwise)
- Update get_ncaa_baseball_roster.R … substantive change to get same end result.
## 6. Package Documentation and Website details
- Update Readme and Description … adding myself as a contributor
- Create extra.css … Just for the style
- A thing worthy of discussion is the pkgdown website. I don't understand what was going on with the gh-pages branch, but I basically deleted it to get my version of the pkgdown website to work. If that is where you were keeping your other site up and running this shouldn't be an issue but I will need to change the pkgdown workflow.
Summary from 0.8.6 to 0.9.9
All checks passing, ready for merge into master. Squash and merge rec'd since most of these are the same types of changes.
One remaining issue related to to figure out what the way to reconfigure the milb_pitcher function to whatever it is intended to be.Closes #162 with the change requested and updated to rvest >= 1.0.0.