BimberLab / DISCVRSeq

A collection of command line tools for working with sequencing data
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MergeVcfsAndGenotypes #313

Open wcarre opened 5 months ago

wcarre commented 5 months ago

Hello, I am trying to use DISCVRSeq in replacement of gatk 3.7 CombineVariants. I use the : java -jar ~/DISCVRSeq/DISCVRSeq-1.3.31.jar MergeVcfsAndGenotypes -R ~/hg19_UCSC_wo_hap/fasta/hg19.wo_hap.fasta -V:HC ./HC.test.vcf -V:DV ./DV.test.vcf -V:FB ./FB.test.vcf --genotypeMergeOption UNSORTED -setKey CALLER -O ~/UNSORTED.test.vcf.

But dont get info on all the callers that found the variant. With gatk3.7, I used to have CALLER=HC-DV-FB, but with DISCVRSeq, I just got one CALLER: HC.

Is it the normal behaviour, or is there a bug that prevent the info of all the caller to be reported. How can I get the info otherwise.


bbimber commented 5 months ago


MergeVcfsAndGenotypes is largely a port of GATK3 into the GATK4 framework, and differences around this were discussed on these threads:

The source field is generated by GATK's GATKVariantContextUtils around line 1148:

I think their code might have intended to track the sources, but didnt fully implement that. I posed that question to GATK's team here: