BimmerGestalt / AAIdrive

Implementations of some Android Auto features as unofficial IDrive apps
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Navigation integration #282

Open dimakaob opened 3 years ago

dimakaob commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'd like to know, theoretically, if it's possible to integrate any third party navigation apps? I know, that it works with google maps somehow, but maybe it can works with something else?

I mean i could use my screen mirroring option, but it's useless while moving..

jezikk82 commented 3 years ago

look at #43 There are some links to discussions about integrating 3rd party navi sw.

dimakaob commented 3 years ago


bogdan-calapod commented 3 years ago

The current Google Maps navigation is done via the notification that Google Maps provides - it shows the navigation arrow instead of the app icon, that's why you can see directions from Maps in the Notifications.

Other apps such as Waze just show a plain Waze is running notification, without anything useful. Any app that behaves like Maps (I've failed to find any) should work without any modifications. If the apps provide an API to pull data, they could be integrated relatively easily.

dimakaob commented 3 years ago

What i meant is like full screen navigation. With maps, traffic etc. That would be awesome!

bogdan-calapod commented 3 years ago

Ah, that would be awesome indeed, but from what I have understood from @hufman, it would require a lot of processing to be done on the phone, at least in the current state (see the optional Google Maps API integration).

As @jezikk82 mentioned, #43 tackles this exact issue. If the IDrive system can render vector graphics as opposed to doing bitmaps on the phone, I think that could improve the performance a lot and allow for many other integrations. I think that #177 will open up the app enough so that it would be easier to create/test stuff like this 😀

berseker commented 3 years ago

Is There some sort of roadmap planned for this integration? The app Is awesome and basically almost perfect in its current functionality, i think that navigation integration would be the next killer feature to be added to AAi 😍

hufman commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the kind words! This particular request (Integrating 3rd-party Navigation Apps) is difficult, if it's even possible, and so I can't commit to a timeline for it. There are a bunch of navigation improvements planned for version 1.4, which will include a slightly better navigation experience (such as rerouting) in the provided Google Mapview, as well as including the Mapbox navigation experience in the public builds. For a different meaning of the phrase "Navigation Integration", AAI currently enables the car's navigation to handle Navigation button clicks from Android apps, and you can (within the last month) share locations from Google Maps to AAI to trigger the car's navigation system. This will be extended as part of 1.4 to work with the custom map.

berseker commented 3 years ago

I was referring to some sort of "navigation function" like the one proposed by Android Auto, available also to system without a BMw navigation, even if I can understand the magnitude of the job and maybe the technical impossibility to have a good framerate of a possible 3d view of a map like proposed from GMaps or similar :D

hufman commented 3 years ago

Ah ha, it's even more against the Google Maps TOS to replicate the Google Maps navigation experience, and so I won't be able to extend the Google Mapview much more than the basic rerouting I have planned in #42. The full 3D Navigation experience that you mention would come as part of the Mapbox integration in #43.