BimmerGestalt / AAIdrive

Implementations of some Android Auto features as unofficial IDrive apps
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Shuffle Current Play list and skipping #695

Open soleous opened 1 year ago

soleous commented 1 year ago

Hi Guys,

I have a tendancy to stick my liked songs on shuffle. Whenever I skip a song the current play list becomes incorrect and when I select a song a different song is played.

Its like when I skip it reshuffles the playlist.


hufman commented 1 year ago

The Liked Songs playlist in Spotify is buggy and this is one possible symptom. I think the other symptom you'll experience is that it will always play the first song when shuffle is not enabled. Do you experience this problem with other playlists, or only Liked Songs and Artists? AAIdrive tries to clone the main Liked Songs playlist to a separate playlist, which more correctly supports selecting a song by index. However, sometimes that playlist gets out of sync. Is your Spotify currently playing the cloned AAIDRIVE_LIKED_SONGS playlist or the regular Liked Songs? I don't know how to fix Spotify any better, they haven't responded to the bug reports I've sent over the years :(

soleous commented 1 year ago

Yeah, they are pretty crap at handling cases.

Unfortunately, my car is at the dealer and I now won't get it back until Friday. I'll test it as soon as I do.

Looking at the AAIDRIVE_LIKED_SONGS playlist, it's got my most recently added songs, so it's up-to-date. When I play from the app the song queue list is built and skips correctly for both liked and the playlist.

Thanks for your quick response.

dergizzle commented 11 months ago

The Liked Songs playlist in Spotify is buggy and this is one possible symptom. I think the other symptom you'll experience is that it will always play the first song when shuffle is not enabled. Do you experience this problem with other playlists, or only Liked Songs and Artists? AAIdrive tries to clone the main Liked Songs playlist to a separate playlist, which more correctly supports selecting a song by index. However, sometimes that playlist gets out of sync. Is your Spotify currently playing the cloned AAIDRIVE_LIKED_SONGS playlist or the regular Liked Songs? I don't know how to fix Spotify any better, they haven't responded to the bug reports I've sent over the years :(

When and how is this synced playlist created? Does't seem to have happened for me. Would be nice through, seems like a decent workaround.

hufman commented 11 months ago

If you've enabled Searching in Spotify, it has API access and will create these placeholder playlists as soon as you play the Liked Songs playlist or any Artist playlist.