BinBashBanana / webretro

RetroArch in your browser
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dynamic loading of assets (full-offline support) (WIP) #61

Open foxsouns opened 1 year ago

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

todo here now.

this is the pull request for dynamic loading of assets in webretro. for discussion, and a general "problem tracker". goals and stuff are above.

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

@BinBashBanana need some help on this: could you explain, to the best of your knowledge, how the cores are loaded in this? i need to know where it is hitching on to get past where i am at.

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

just realized that, by default, index.html doesnt even work locally (with internet), meanwhile i have a menu working (without internet). so, at least i have progress towards something functioning.

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

I'm already working on this for the next release (v6.6), see #52. Since cores are 2-6 MB (per core), I don't want to bundle them all in one file, but instead download them once and use the Cache web API for offline use. I will bundle the essential assets (javascript, css, etc) into the offline html file.

To answer your question, each core has 2 parts; the .js file and the .wasm file. The .js file is loaded from base.js, and the .wasm file is loaded using fetch from the .js file.

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

@BinBashBanana still going to work on this to a functional state on my own: i need something to spend my free time on anyways. i will adapt my end goal to that though: ends up with less work on your end for v6.6.

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago


foxsouns commented 1 year ago
Got core: snes9x
stderr: failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: [object ProgressEvent]
stderr: [object ProgressEvent]
Succesfully read ROM file "Super Mario World [USA, headered].smc" never even loads the core at least i know for sure now, time to work on that

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

This happens when you load the core from a file:// url.

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

@BinBashBanana: This happens when you load the core from a file:// url.

Which is, indeed, what my purpose here is: any idea on why they do not function? Thinking about potential workarounds: I guess I could try to implement indexdb loading to get around it, but that seems like a handful that I don't exactly want to attack until necessary.

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

Most browsers disable XHR/fetch to file:// urls, for security reasons. You could theoretically embed the .wasm file into the .js file and it could work. Or see here.

When doing quick local testing, another option than a local webserver is to bundle everything into a single file, using -s SINGLE_FILE (as then no XHRs will be made to file:// URLs).

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

(Doing this may increase load times, because modern WASM streaming won't work)

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

Ah, I see. Everything works from Github Pages: now I guess I have to figure out how to actually use indexeddb, now. And.. also do that with the BIOS files, too.

...Or just embed the BIOS files in the repo.. but that's a bit storage-wasteful. probably just do the above, as much as that may suck to program.

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

This is why I want to use a service worker cache, it will make it much easier for the asset bundle, cores, and BIOSes.

In v6.6 I plan to make a feature that uses the service worker to store cores for offline usage. It will have a "manager" so that you can choose which cores to cache.

Originally posted by @BinBashBanana in

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

Although, now that I think about it, service workers may not work on file:// urls either. I'll check.

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

PR comment is now a "todo" sort of thing.

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

MDN Says:

Note that the Cache interface is exposed to windowed scopes as well as workers. You don't have to use it in conjunction with service workers, even though it is defined in the service worker spec.

Looks like this will be doable!

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

Just a heads up, this is not dynamic linking. Dynamic linking is something else I have planned for the future, see here.

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

Just a heads up, this is not dynamic linking. Dynamic linking is something else I have planned for the future, see here.

sorry: must have mixed up "linking" with "loading" somewhere, haha. to clarify: i always meant "loading". oops.

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

@BinBashBanana: thinking of different ways this could be implimented: i have a few i could work on, and wanted your opinion on it.

possible approaches

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

I think automatically downloading everything would be a bad idea, so I want to have a manager (one of the modal windows) for it. Unobtrusive would probably be best (?)

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

@BinBashBanana this is roughly what i had in mind (ignore the quick paint art)

mockup mockup 2

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

Something like that yeah. There are no per-core assets, besides the BIOS files.

So it could look like:

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

right, that makes sense was thinking shaders were game-specific for some reason, lol here's the site as is: going to be fun robbing, er, probably what i can salvage from the sram manager code, and then implementing service worker backend stuff, and generating downloadable cores and bios stuff from a list..


foxsouns commented 1 year ago

i havent forgotten about this: life has only taken priority for a bit. it will probably stay like that for a bit more.. taking a couple of days to myself, to recover and focus on myself, and also thanksgiving stuff.

(and now, to close this off with a very Stallman-esk "Happy Hacking!")

foxsouns commented 1 year ago

sorry about going kind of stale on this. life has been rough, and i haven't been feeling very motivated. this is still something i am willing to work on, it's just going to take a bit.

BinBashBanana commented 1 year ago

It's all good. I frequently feel demotivated as well.