Clustering cONtigs with COverage and ComposiTion
120 stars 48 forks source link error #188

Closed nafeesatk closed 6 years ago

nafeesatk commented 6 years ago

When trying to use the script with my data or the example data (using the same parameters outlined in the example), it results in the same error:

File "/home/nk/Applications/CONCOCT-0.4.0/scripts/", line 14 print ">%s.%i\n%s" % (, i, split_seq) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The new file generated as a result is blank. How should I fix this? Is there something wrong in the way that I am using the script?

Thank you!

alneberg commented 6 years ago

Hello @nafeesatk,

this looks like a python 3 vs python 2 problem. From the error message I'm assuming you're using python version 3.x, could you try running the script with python version 2?

Best wishes, Johannes