Clustering cONtigs with COverage and ComposiTion
119 stars 48 forks source link add *_concoct_part_0 to contigs that are not cut up #293

Open sejmodha opened 3 years ago

sejmodha commented 3 years ago

Hi There,

I am trying to use CONCOCT for the first time and facing issues with the second step of the pipeline which leads to Errors in BED line*.

I have got a range of contigs from length 300-42kb. When I used the, it has created the .bed file with subcontig IDs which contain _.concoct_part_0 even for the contigs that were not split. When this file is used with, I get multiple errors statingErrors in BED line. This is strange as itself adds the suffix to the .bed file for contigs that are not cut up which is a requirement according to `The Subcontig ID must contain the pattern " "'concoctpart[0-9]' while the contigs which are not cutup cannot contain this pattern. "`.

Is this a bug in the script?

Removing the *concoct_part_[0-9] leads to Perhaps 'concoct_part_' is misplaced or missing? Exiting! error. I am a bit puzzled as to how to deal with this and any help with this would be appreciated.