Clustering cONtigs with COverage and ComposiTion
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Current Bioconda Installation Package Issues and Solutions #306

Open RaphaellaJackson opened 2 years ago

RaphaellaJackson commented 2 years ago


I installed CONCOCT via bioconda today (23rd September 2021) and I ran into several errors when running the standard pipeline. I document these errors and list my solutions in case it might be helpful to anyone in future:

(1) Command: contigs_10K.bed ../Input/NCM*.bam > coverage_table.tsv Error: samtools: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Solution: After some googling this seems to have to something to do with OpenSSL migration (see for discussion). I fixed this issue by running: conda install samtools this updated the samtools version that was installed by default within the environment to a more recent version and fixed the issue.

(2) Command: concoct --composition_file contigs_10K.fa --coverage_file coverage_table.tsv -b concoct_output/ Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/SBCS-HenryLab/Raphaella/Software/CondaEnv/CONCOCT/bin/concoct", line 6, in <module> import vbgmm ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Solution: conda install mkl