Binaergewitter /

(unmaintained) Octopress fork with podcasting support
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add bitlove to each post #52

Open ltsavar opened 12 years ago

ltsavar commented 12 years ago

Would be nice not only to see mp3, ogg etc download but also the bitlove button see

rb2k commented 12 years ago

Make sure you put it after jQuery

Hm, that'll be interesting. (Octopress uses Ender JS)

It also seems to just modify 'podpress' classes:

var $ = jQuery;
$(document).ready(function() {
/* For Podpress */
$('.podPress_downloadlinks').each(function() {

Would be nice to mention that somewhere on the page

ltsavar commented 12 years ago

this is the wordpress part have a look at "Roll your own" at the same page

rb2k commented 12 years ago

It was too early!

rb2k commented 12 years ago

So sieht das im Endeffekt aus: Call:


{"":{"info_hash":"61f2d88fdd1458315790a781474ae3e4e1a3c80c","size":108668834,"seeders":2,"leechers":0,"upspeed":0,"downspeed":0,"downloaded":21,"sources":[{"torrent":"","permalink":"","":"","item.title":"Binärgewitter Talk #19 - Leute anpöbeln, damit sie dir was in den Hut werfen","item.published":"2012-06-22T13:30:00Z","item.homepage":"","item.payment":",tech,software","item.image":"","feed.title":"Binärgewitter Talk MP3"}]}}
ltsavar commented 12 years ago

Bis auf die Umlautprobleme ok. Wenn das ein Problem ist müssen wir mal mit Astro reden.

ltsavar commented 12 years ago

Am besten dann direkt auf den einzelnen Torrent linken oder? also mit dem Bild

rb2k commented 12 years ago

I hate liquid. I got annoyed, here's what I did so far:

ltsavar commented 12 years ago

ich hab mich da leider auch noch nicht reingefummelt. Sieht für mich soweit ok aus. Vielleicht kann @pfleidi was dazu beitragen...

rb2k commented 12 years ago

Es ist performance mässig nicht richtig und irgendwo escaped ?liquid? irgendwas komisch. Das klappt also nicht :)