BinaryAnalysisPlatform / bap

Binary Analysis Platform
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implements the naming scheme for interrupts #1476

Closed ivg closed 2 years ago

ivg commented 2 years ago

Extends #1475 and adds special naming scheme for interrupts. Before that the interrupts didn't have any special treatment wrt the names so the corresponding interrupt service routines (ISR) just got random tids as the name. That was hampering both readability and analysis.

The new naming scheme will have ISR packed into the interrupt package with the name equal to #X, where X is the interrupt (CPU exception) number, e.g.,

000255dc: when (RSP & 0xF) = 0 goto %000255db
000255dd: goto %000255d8

000255d9: call @interrupt:#13 with noreturn

000255d0: sub interrupt:#13(interrupt:#13_result)