Open init5-SF opened 3 years ago
Hi, great job on this tool!
I gave it a test run against multiple binaries, some worked perfect after obfuscation and others didn't.
For example, Rubeus broke (even though it displayed the banner):
C:\tools>rubeus_FUD.exe -h ______ _ (_____ \ | | _____) )_ _| |__ _____ _ _ ___ | __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___) | | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ | |_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/ v1.6.3 [!] Unhandled Rubeus exception: System.TypeLoadException: Method 'Execute' in type 'VT9ME37GY2.ZSF607DAGF' from assembly 'YR9A4UC9RI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation. at FMWMTELA6Z.9VOB54KXLX..ctor() at YR3DV1CSRQ.S3HQV8866Z.ULNRB0DTXQ(String commandName, Dictionary`2 parsedArgs)
Is there anything I might be missing or doing wrong? Thanks!
same problem here
Hi, great job on this tool!
I gave it a test run against multiple binaries, some worked perfect after obfuscation and others didn't.
For example, Rubeus broke (even though it displayed the banner):
Is there anything I might be missing or doing wrong? Thanks!