Binbwen / tidyplates

Tidy Plates - World of Warcraft Nameplate Addon
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Settings to remove debuff timer #4

Open zenopulse opened 5 years ago

zenopulse commented 5 years ago

Hello, is there a way to remove the timer from my own debuff on the target (i.e corruption/agony)? Currently i am using OmniCC to see timer but i realize there are double timers on my DoTs above the Tidyplates due to that. I don't wish to disable OmniCC because i use that on my other addon(Shadow Unit frames) to track DoTs as well.

zenopulse commented 5 years ago

Actually, i prefer to disable OmniCC on Tidyplates if thats possible

Binbwen commented 5 years ago

You can disable Tidy Plates' aura icons by '/hub' and scrolling down to Buffs & Debuffs. You can disable the icons right there, clicking off "Enable Aura Widget"

As for disabling OmniCCs nameplate icons... not sure, but I'm betting that there's a "Show Timers on Nameplates" option that could be unchecked.

zenopulse commented 5 years ago

Sorry, what i meant was to just remove the timer on the debuff, not the entire buff/debuff widget

RubyshzZz commented 5 years ago

I am currently having very same issue, I want to have active OmniCC timers on buffs/debuffs altogether with TidyPlates but this is causing to have 2 timers per 1 icon as TidyPlates does not support remove/alter buffs/debuffs far wink Thanks for great addon anyway.

Dumbdragon commented 5 years ago

Took me a bit of tinkering, but assuming you mean the white floating numbers above the debuff icon, there's a single line you can edit out of a LUA file to deactivate it (while still leaving OmniCC intact - there was lots that would remove both for whatever reason).

Go to Addons->Tidyplateswidgets->Aurawidget.LUA (open with notepad or notepad++ or similar).

On line 131, comment out "frame.TimeLeft:SetText(floor(timeleft))" by putting -- in front.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Took me a bit of tinkering, but assuming you mean the white floating numbers above the debuff icon, there's a single line you can edit out of a LUA file to deactivate it (while still leaving OmniCC intact - there was lots that would remove both for whatever reason).

Go to Addons->Tidyplateswidgets->Aurawidget.LUA (open with notepad or notepad++ or similar).

On line 131, comment out "frame.TimeLeft:SetText(floor(timeleft))" by putting -- in front.
