BindsNET / bindsnet

Simulation of spiking neural networks (SNNs) using PyTorch.
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Using bindsnet for temperature prediction? #658

Closed Whale-xh closed 1 year ago

Whale-xh commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **Whale-xh** September 26, 2023 **Hello, I have never found any research on bindnet for regression tasks online, so I am trying to use bindnet for temperature prediction. However, when I was using bindnet, I found that the loss value of the network cannot be reduced. Could you please help me check the code for any errors and make modifications? I would greatly appreciate it!** **Import package module, where CPUdata is a dataset I created myself** ` import torch import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from torch.nn import DataParallel from import DataLoader from torch.autograd import Variable from import Network from import * from bindsnet.encoding import PoissonEncoder from import Monitor from bindsnet.learning import PostPre from import * from CPUdataset import CPUTrainDataset ` **Load Dataset** `events_train_file = r'../train_events.csv' temps_train_file = r'../train_temps.csv' cpu_events_train = pd.read_csv(events_train_file, header=None) temperature_train = pd.read_csv(temps_train_file, header=None) cpu_events_train = torch.tensor(np.array(cpu_events_train), dtype=torch.float) temperature_train = torch.tensor(np.array(temperature_train) / 1000, dtype=torch.float) n_epochs = 10 batch_size = 16 dt = 1 n_time_steps = 100 n_cpu_events = cpu_events_train.shape[1] #Input feature number n_temperature_features = 1 #Output feature number n_hidden = 100 n_output = 1 data_train = CPUTrainDataset(events_train_file, temps_train_file) dataloader_train = DataLoader(data_train, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)` **Network structure** `nu=[1e-5, 1e-3] theta_plus=0.05 norm=78.4 exc = 22.5 inh = 120 network = Network(dt=dt,batch_size=batch_size) input_layer = Input(n=n_cpu_events,traces=True,tc_trace=20.0) hidden_layer = DiehlAndCookNodes(n=n_hidden,traces=True, rest=-65.0, reset=-60.0, thresh=-52.0, refrac=5, tc_decay=100.0, tc_trace=20.0, theta_plus=theta_plus, tc_theta_decay=1e7) output_layer = LIFNodes(n=n_output, traces=True,rest=-60.0, reset=-45.0, thresh=-40.0, tc_decay=10.0, refrac=2, tc_trace=20.0) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: network = DataParallel(network) w = 0.3 * torch.rand(n_cpu_events, n_hidden) input_hidden_conn = Connection(source=input_layer, target=hidden_layer, update_rule=PostPre, nu=nu, reduction=None, w=w, wmin=0.0, wmax=1.0, norm=norm) w = exc * torch.rand(n_hidden,n_output) hidden_output_conn = Connection(source=hidden_layer, target=output_layer,w=w, wmin=0, wmax=exc) output_output_conn = Connection(output_layer, output_layer,wmin=inh,wmax=0) network.add_layer(input_layer, name="Input") network.add_layer(hidden_layer, name="Hidden") network.add_layer(output_layer, name="Output") network.add_connection(input_hidden_conn, source="Input", target="Hidden") network.add_connection(hidden_output_conn, source="Hidden", target="Output") network.add_connection(output_output_conn, source="Output", target="Output") input_monitor = Monitor(input_layer, state_vars=["s"], time=n_time_steps) hidden_monitor = Monitor(hidden_layer, state_vars=["s", "v"], time=n_time_steps) output_monitor = Monitor(output_layer, state_vars=["s", "v"], time=n_time_steps) network.add_monitor(input_monitor, name="Input Monitor") network.add_monitor(hidden_monitor, name="Hidden Monitor") network.add_monitor(output_monitor, name="Output Monitor")` `def inverse_encoding(spikes, time, dt=1.0): shape = spikes.shape[1:] spikes = spikes.float().view(time, -1) # flatten total_spikes = spikes.sum(dim=0) rate = total_spikes / (time * dt) datum = rate # firing rate = original intensity return datum.view(*shape) #Temperature mapping def temp_map2(rates,batchSize): pred_temp = [] for i in range(batchSize): pred_temp.append(0 + 100 * rates[i]) return pred_temp encoder = PoissonEncoder(time=n_time_steps, dt=dt) criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(network.parameters(), lr=1e-3) ` **Train** `real_temps = temperature_train[:, 0] predicted_temps = [] for epoch in range(n_epochs): total_loss = 0.0 total_accuracy = 0.0 for batch_data in dataloader_train: x_cpu, y_temperature = batch_data x_cpu = encoder(x_cpu) x_cpu = y_temperature = y_temperature[0].to(device) inputs = {"Input": x_cpu}, time=n_time_steps,clamp=clamp) output_spikes = output_monitor.get("s") output_voltage = output_monitor.get("v") rates = inverse_encoding(output_spikes, time=n_time_steps, dt=dt).view(-1).tolist() y_pred = temp_map2(rates,batch_size) predicted_temps.extend(y_pred) y_pred=torch.tensor(y_pred) accuracy = torch.mean(torch.abs(y_pred - y_temperature) / y_temperature) total_accuracy += accuracy.item() loss = criterion(y_pred, y_temperature) loss_value = loss.item() total_loss += loss_value optimizer.zero_grad() loss = criterion(y_pred, y_temperature) loss = Variable(loss, requires_grad=True) loss.backward() optimizer.step() network.reset_state_variables() mean_accuracy = total_accuracy / (cpu_events_train.shape[0] / batch_size) mean_loss = total_loss / (cpu_events_train.shape[0] / batch_size) print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1}/{n_epochs} Loss: {mean_loss:.4f} Accuracy: {mean_accuracy:.4f}") print("Training complete!")`
Hananel-Hazan commented 1 year ago

duplicate with #657