BingAds / BingAds-Java-SDK

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Couldn't parse column Hotel Ad Group Type of BulkAdGroup entity: PropertyAd. #146

Closed DaanGroot-KSO closed 1 year ago

DaanGroot-KSO commented 1 year ago

We've noticed a bug in the bulk api. For one of our clients the response has a Hotel Ad Group Type value of "HotelAd, PropertyAd" which the SDK is unable to parse. We are on sdk Full stacktrace:

Exception in thread "main" Couldn't parse column Hotel Ad Group Type of BulkAdGroup entity:  PropertyAd. See ColumnValues for detailed row information and cause for error details. Column values are Ad Click Parallel Tracking = ''; Experiment Id = ''; Device Preference = ''; Texts = ''; Target Ad Group Id = ''; SundayHours = ''; Boost Publisher IDs = ''; Auto Apply Recommendations = ''; MSCLKID Auto Tagging Enabled = ''; Bid Strategy TargetImpressionShare = ''; Domain Language = ''; Lead Gen SOV = ''; Media Url = ''; Status = 'Active'; Physical Intent = ''; Landing Page Relevance = ''; Value 3 = ''; Disclaimer Title = ''; Value 1 = ''; Audience = ''; Value 2 = ''; Images = ''; Cpv Bid = ''; Orders Over Amount = ''; Final Url Suffix = ''; Landscape Image Media Id = ''; From Hour = ''; WednesdayHours = ''; Adjustment Time = ''; Disclaimer Line Text = ''; Multi Media Ad Bid Adjustment = ''; Adjustment Value = ''; Include View Through Conversions = ''; Website = ''; Sync Time = ''; Province Name = ''; Bid Strategy TargetAdPosition = ''; Long Headline = ''; Budget = ''; Discount Modifier = ''; Adjustment Currency Code = ''; MondayHours = ''; Quality Score = ''; External Attribution Credit = ''; Client Id = ''; Ad Schedule = ''; To Minute = ''; Product Value 4 = ''; Product Value 5 = ''; Product Value 6 = ''; Product Value 7 = ''; Action Name = ''; Product Value 1 = ''; Product Value 2 = ''; Product Value 3 = ''; RSA Auto Generated Assets Enabled = ''; Phone Number = ''; Clicks = ''; Ad Group Type = 'HotelAds'; Corporate Image = ''; Editorial Location = ''; Display Text = ''; Bid Strategy TargetRoas = ''; Placement = ''; Version = ''; Ad Group = 'Ad group #1'; Headline = ''; Price Qualifier 3 = ''; Price Qualifier 4 = ''; Price Qualifier 1 = ''; Price Qualifier 2 = ''; Color = ''; Price Qualifier 7 = ''; Price Qualifier 8 = ''; Price Qualifier 5 = ''; Price Qualifier 6 = ''; Action Type = ''; Commission Rate = ''; Confirmation Url = ''; Sitelink Extension Destination Url = ''; TuesdayHours = ''; Alternative Text = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 3 = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 2 = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 1 = ''; Percent Cpc Bid = '0.1'; Budget Id = ''; SpecialHours = ''; Publisher Countries = ''; Language = ''; Audience Network Size = ''; Bid = ''; Currency Code 8 = ''; GoogleIdentifier = ''; Currency Code 4 = ''; Currency Code 5 = ''; Form Business Name = ''; Currency Code 6 = ''; Currency Code 7 = ''; Audiences = ''; Lead Delivery = ''; Schedule = ''; Currency Code 1 = ''; Currency Code 2 = ''; Currency Code 3 = ''; Parent Criterion Id = ''; LocalInventoryAdsEnabled = ''; Source Ad Id = ''; Cashback Percent = ''; Occasion = ''; Path 1 = ''; Path 2 = ''; Frequency Cap Settings = ''; Business Id = ''; Media Urls = ''; Age Ranges = ''; Hotel Ad Group Type = 'HotelAd, PropertyAd'; Confirmation Message = ''; Profile Expansion Enabled = ''; Bid Adjustment = ''; Condition 1 = ''; Impressions = ''; Condition 2 = ''; Condition 3 = ''; UET Tag Id = ''; Percent Off = ''; Modified Time = '10/20/2022 07:13:07.930'; Mobile Final Url = ''; Dynamic Description Enabled = ''; Personalized Offers Enabled = ''; Sub Type = ''; Promotion Code = ''; Id = '1232552843772103'; Custom Parameter = ''; Network Distribution = 'OwnedAndOperatedOnly'; Traffic Split Percent = ''; Error Number = ''; Max Target Value = ''; Profile = ''; Url = ''; Display Url = ''; Parent Listing Group Id = ''; Target = ''; Audience Id = ''; Cashback Scope = ''; Supported Campaign Types = ''; Final Url 2 = ''; Bid Strategy Type = 'InheritFromParent'; Final Url 1 = ''; Bid Multiplier Source = ''; Final Url 4 = ''; Form Headline = ''; Final Url 3 = ''; Final Url 6 = ''; Final Url 5 = ''; Final Url 8 = ''; Final Url 7 = ''; AdExtension Header Type = ''; Width = ''; Smart Listing = ''; Transaction Id = ''; Text Part 2 = ''; Landing Page User Experience = ''; Price Extension Type = ''; Text = ''; Conversion Name = ''; Bid Strategy MaxCpc = ''; Destination Url = ''; Disclaimer Layout = ''; CPA = ''; Source Id = ''; Is Promotions For Brands = ''; Is Excluded = ''; Maximum Bid = ''; Business Icon = ''; Bid Strategy Name = ''; Target Setting = ''; Thumbnail Id = ''; Unit = ''; Start Date = '10/19/2022'; Audience Group Id = ''; Percent Bid = ''; Asset Group = ''; Call Only = ''; Product Audience Type = ''; Postal Code = ''; City = ''; Video Status = ''; Promotion End = ''; Lead Webhook Url = ''; Radius = ''; Is Exact = ''; Hotel Attribute = ''; ThursdayHours = ''; Bid Boost Value = ''; Bid Option = ''; Conversion Time = ''; OS Names = ''; Height = ''; Use Optimized Targeting = ''; Error = ''; Editorial Status = ''; Remarketing Rule = ''; Inherited Bid Strategy Type = 'ManualCpc'; FridayHours = ''; Editorial Term = ''; Spend = ''; AdCustomizer DataType = ''; CTR = ''; Tracking Enabled = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Value 1 = ''; Map Icon = ''; StoreCode = ''; Target Campaign Id = ''; Ad Rotation = 'OptimizeForClicks'; Editorial Reason Code = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Value 2 = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Value 3 = ''; Url Expansion Opt Out = ''; Header 1 = ''; Header 2 = ''; Price Description 2 = ''; Final Mobile Url 1 = ''; Price Description 1 = ''; Final Mobile Url 2 = ''; Final Mobile Url 3 = ''; ShoppableAdsEnabled = ''; Final Mobile Url 4 = ''; Feed Name = ''; Bid Strategy TargetCpa = ''; Price Description 8 = ''; Profile Id = ''; Price Description 7 = ''; Price Description 6 = ''; Longitude = ''; Price Description 5 = ''; Price Description 4 = ''; Sitelink Extension Link Text = ''; Price Description 3 = ''; Radius Target Id = ''; Experiment Campaign Id = ''; Final Mobile Url 5 = ''; Final Mobile Url 6 = ''; Hotel Attribute Value = ''; Final Mobile Url 7 = ''; Final Mobile Url 8 = ''; Negative Audiences = ''; Landscape Logo Media Id = ''; Audience Group Name = ''; Price Unit 8 = ''; Square Image Media Id = ''; Sitelink Extension Description1 = ''; Price Unit 7 = ''; Sitelink Extension Description2 = ''; Price Unit 6 = ''; Price Unit 5 = ''; Form Policy Url = ''; Condition Operator 3 = ''; Price Unit 4 = ''; Price Unit 3 = ''; Toll Free = ''; Price Unit 2 = ''; Condition Operator 1 = ''; Price Unit 1 = ''; Condition Operator 2 = ''; Promotion Start = ''; Feed Type Id = ''; Boost Account IDs = ''; Square Logo Media Id = ''; Custom Attributes = ''; Error Detail = ''; Field Path = ''; HotSpots = ''; Privacy Status = ''; Tracking Template = ''; KeywordVariantMatchEnabled = ''; Membership Duration = ''; Business Attributes = ''; Call To Action Language = ''; Personalized Coupons Enabled = ''; Money Amount Off = ''; Avg CPC = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Condition 3 = ''; Dynamic Ad Target Condition 2 = ''; Parent Id = '590022571'; Dynamic Ad Target Condition 1 = ''; Label = ''; Lead Webhook Key = ''; Latitude = ''; Price 2 = ''; Price 1 = ''; Match Type = ''; Price 4 = ''; Price 3 = ''; Price 6 = ''; Name = ''; Price 5 = ''; Bid Strategy Id = ''; AdCustomizer AttributeValue = ''; Page Feed Ids = ''; Avg CPM = ''; Action Text = ''; Base Campaign Id = ''; Title Part 3 = ''; Disclaimer Name = ''; Title Part 2 = ''; Canvas = ''; Editorial Entity Id = ''; Title Part 1 = ''; Form Questions = ''; Currency Code = ''; Campaign = 'A. HSDE - Manual - DE'; To Hour = ''; Boost AdUnit IDs = ''; Budget Type = ''; From Minute = ''; Domain = ''; Gender Types = ''; External Attribution Model = ''; Video Url = ''; Store Id = ''; Bid Strategy TargetCostPerSale = ''; Media Ids = ''; Sitelink Extension Order = ''; Layouts = ''; Keyword Relevance = ''; Bid Strategy CommissionRate = ''; State Or Province Code = ''; Features = ''; Header 3 = ''; Header 4 = ''; Header 5 = ''; Header 6 = ''; Header 7 = ''; Callout Text = ''; Header 8 = ''; Avg position = ''; Title = ''; Lead Emails = ''; App Id = ''; Scope = ''; SaturdayHours = ''; Country Code = ''; Address Line 1 = ''; Disclaimer Popup Text = ''; Allow Image Auto Retrieve = ''; Address Line 2 = ''; Structured Snippet Values = ''; Time Zone = ''; Final Url = ''; App Status = ''; Budget Name = ''; Action Description = ''; Conversion Currency Code = ''; Mcpa Bid = ''; Flyer Name = ''; Long Headlines = ''; Conversions = ''; End Date = ''; Impression Tracking Urls = ''; Min Target Value = ''; Combination Rule = ''; Editorial Appeal Status = ''; Description = ''; Experiment Type = ''; Structured Snippet Header = ''; Ad Format Preference = ''; Cashback Monthly Budget = ''; Use Searcher Time Zone = ''; Promotion = ''; Business Name = ''; Descriptions = ''; Disclaimer Ads Enabled = ''; Cpm Bid = ''; Video Id = ''; Product Condition 7 = ''; Product Condition 6 = ''; Keyword = ''; Param3 = ''; Param2 = ''; Param1 = ''; Price 8 = ''; Price 7 = ''; Type = 'Ad Group'; Campaign Goal = ''; Goal Id = ''; Geo Code Status = ''; Microsoft Click Id = ''; Source Url = ''; Bid Strategy PercentMaxCpc = ''; Product Condition 1 = ''; Product Condition 5 = ''; Product Condition 4 = ''; Product Condition 3 = ''; Product Condition 2 = ''; Adjustment Type = ''; Audience Search Size = ''; App Platform = ''; Product Operator 1 = ''; Product Operator 2 = ''; Priority = ''; Duration In Milliseconds = ''; Product Operator 5 = ''; Thumbnail Url = ''; Product Operator 6 = ''; Product Operator 3 = ''; Product Operator 4 = ''; Verified Tracking Setting = ''; Product Operator 7 = ''; Product Operator 8 = ''; Ad Schedule Use Searcher Time Zone = 'False'; Is Lead Gen Campaign = ''; Form Description = ''; LogoPhotoURL = ''; Source = ''; Videos = ''; Cpc Bid = '0.5'; Feed Id = ''; Confirmation Action = ''; Headlines = ''; Call Tracking Enabled = ''; Call To Action = ''; Campaign Type = 'Hotel'; Aspect Ratio = ''; Promotion Target = ''; Conversion Value = ''; Confirmation Description = ''; 
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:  PropertyAd
    at java.base/$3$1.accept(
    at java.base/$2$1.accept(
    at java.base/java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining(
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    ... 22 more
qitia commented 1 year ago

thanks for reporting this. Sorry did not reply in the first time. We repro this issue and are working on fix. will update this when fix is ready.

qitia commented 1 year ago

this has been fixed.