BioContainers / registry

Docker for Bioinformatics
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Search the registry does not seem to work #134

Open abotzki opened 1 year ago

abotzki commented 1 year ago

Hi, I recently showed the biocontainers registry to participants in our container and workflow courses. Unfortunately, the search does not seem to work properly.

Do you have any suggestion how to get the information about the location of singularity images? Thanks!

osallou commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for report.

Do you have an example of a failing container?

For info, singularity can run docker containers.

neoformit commented 1 year ago

I can confirm this on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Google Chrome. I've tried searching "fastqc" on and I get a blank loading screen (~60 sec), followed by a console error, server error alert and "No matched data". I then reload the page and it sometimes works (50/50). I have reported an issue for this before so it's not the first time this has come up! Seems like an API error.

Loading... (60 sec): image

Result UI: image

Console errors: image

osallou commented 1 year ago

strange, web ui has been rewritten to remove search on page load, so should get immediate first web page.

A 60s waiting shoumd not occur (and works for me).

Could you try to clear your browser cacje or force reload of the page?

neoformit commented 1 year ago

I just did a hard-refresh and got the same error again. Might be worth seeing if there's a clue in the backend logs? Or maybe the issue is in the CORS error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Happy to help you replicate the issue as we'd like to recommend this resource to our clients.

osallou commented 1 year ago

@chakrabandla @ypriverol can you have a look?

Cors errors do not occur randomly, strange message here.

and it works fine for me, direct access to landing page and fastq search with quick answer

neoformit commented 1 year ago

Still having trouble with this site - and it seems that when I access a container page it's also blank. There should be images available for deseq2, right?


The CORS error is also still present on registry search:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 503.

Same issue on Chrome or Firefox (Ubuntu 20.04) and Chrome (Windows) so doesn't seem like an isolated issue. But still seems to randomly succeed sometimes.

osallou commented 1 year ago

@ypriverol kube cluster is still really really slow to answer.... and api related pods too frequently fail to answer, needing pod restarts

I think requests/db are not optimized related to size of db , mongo often fail to answer

ypriverol commented 1 year ago

We are looking into the issues now.

osallou commented 1 year ago

furthermore, api pods seem to connect to mongo at startup only. on mongo failure, even if restart, pod do not reconnect to mongo, api pods need restart too

tried to restart mongo and api pods, pods seem to fail to connect to mongo, some pods answer, some not (placement issue?)

osallou commented 1 year ago

seems there are inter node (kube) communications issues, some pods are not reachable don't know why though responding if directly on node

osallou commented 1 year ago

I stopped extra masters , failing to communicate (direct calls on node are ok but not reachable from other network points). Now system is "ok" but need anyway to restart masters and find network issue

osallou commented 1 year ago

I restarted masters preventing pod scheduling on those, issue is gone for the moment (though pod timeout/access to mongo should still be fixed for better handling)

lescai commented 4 months ago

this is a recurring issue, I'm surprised it's not being reported more frequently. I've been stumbling upon this problem from time to time, but regularly over the past year. right now, not working again.

neoformit commented 4 months ago

Also not working for me right now.

groverj3 commented 4 months ago

Adding my voice to the choir. I can search through, but that's not ideal.

ypriverol commented 4 months ago

Hi all, thanks for reporting, this. and dockerhub have recently changed their API which makes difficult the indexing process, we are working to recover the API backend. I will keep you all posted.

mari-ga commented 3 months ago

Same here, I could find the docker containers through, but I can't find any singularity container