BioContainers / specs

BioContainers specifications
Apache License 2.0
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More metadata into the recipes of BioConda and BioContainers #92

Closed ypriverol closed 3 years ago

ypriverol commented 6 years ago

@bioconda team has proposed some major changes for the metadata extension that we should consider in the future.

epruesse commented 6 years ago

W.r.t. identifiers vs URIs, as in doi: vs

The former is officially deprecated in favor of the latter to increase visibility and ease of use.


Why not use doi: or DOI:?

When Crossref was founded in 2000 we recommended that DOIs be displayed in the format doi:10.NNNN/doisuffix and many members still use doi:[space][doinumber], DOI: [space][doinumber], or DOI[space][doinumber]. At the time that the DOI system was launched in the late 1990s it was thought that doi: would become native to browsers and automatically resolve DOIs, similar to http:. This never happened and it will never happen. Advantages to changing the display to a resolvable URL - even on the page the DOI itself resolves to - include the following:

  • A DOI is both a link and an identifier. Users will more easily recognize Crossref DOIs as an actionable link, regardless of whether they know about DOIs.
  • Users who do not know how to right-click on the link and choose “Copy Link”, will still be able to easily copy the DOI URL.
  • Machines and programs (e.g. bots, etc.) will recognize the DOI as a link, thereby increasing discoverability and usage.