I added a new parameter to a widget that has a dash "-" in the Name:
When I saved the widget and restarted the workflow, this error message pops up:
After clicking "OK", the workflow appears with everything loaded except the widget I just edited. The widget disappears in the workflow canvas and is no longer listed in the workflow's tool dock. The widget's folder is still present in the workflow widget directory, so it is just not appearing in the workflow.
The culprit seems to be adding a "-" somewhere in the Name of the new parameter.
I added a new parameter to a widget that has a dash "-" in the Name:
When I saved the widget and restarted the workflow, this error message pops up:
After clicking "OK", the workflow appears with everything loaded except the widget I just edited. The widget disappears in the workflow canvas and is no longer listed in the workflow's tool dock. The widget's folder is still present in the workflow widget directory, so it is just not appearing in the workflow.
The culprit seems to be adding a "-" somewhere in the Name of the new parameter.