BioImage-Archive / bia-explorer

Python package for exploring BIA data
Apache License 2.0
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Listing [all] biostudies #6

Open haesleinhuepf opened 3 months ago

haesleinhuepf commented 3 months ago

Hi all,

I'm just wondering if the API supports listing all entries in the bioimage archive, that fulfill a certain criterion, e.g. having an attribute 'license=CC0'... Does the API suppot this? If not, how complicated would it be to change this?


Best, Robert

liviuba commented 3 months ago

Hi @haesleinhuepf ,

We are looking at ways to enable actual public search for BIA data (@sherwoodf), but for the moment the best option for finding something in particular is to search client-side, like (below) in the notebook here.

annotations_file_reference = [
    for fileref in study.get_file_references()
    if fileref.uri.endswith(f"{PATIENT_ID}/annotations.json")

This will eventually be phased out in favour of more efficient search, but that project is still in a very early stage.

Kind regards, Liviu