BioInterchange / Ontologies

Home of the Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology (GFVO)
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Typo for FALDO Import #7

Closed sphkan closed 8 years ago

sphkan commented 8 years ago

The import line for faldo should be changed from

<owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>

I've been trying to open the gfvo.xml file in Protege, and FALDO is always improperly imported and assigned to TEMP. Looking at the code, it is because the wrong URL was assigned for the FALDO import. The URI itself is correct though.

KimJBaran commented 8 years ago

@Helisquinde I assume that your name on GitHub ("Stephen ...") is your legal name? If not, please email me your legal name at, so that I can add you to the contributors in GFVO when I commit the patch for this issue. Thanks.