'locus(gene).strand' in gffstring assumes all positions in the locus are on the same strand, which is not true for trans-spliced genes, e.g. join(11056..11919,complement(94283..95886)) is a valid GenBank locus that can now be faithfully represented using your much-appreciated rewrite of GenomicAnnotations.Locus, but which is rendered as
gene 11056 11919 . +
gene 94283 95886 . +
by GFF.gffstring()
'locus(gene).strand' in gffstring assumes all positions in the locus are on the same strand, which is not true for trans-spliced genes, e.g. join(11056..11919,complement(94283..95886)) is a valid GenBank locus that can now be faithfully represented using your much-appreciated rewrite of GenomicAnnotations.Locus, but which is rendered as gene 11056 11919 . + gene 94283 95886 . + by GFF.gffstring()