BioJulia / Libz.jl

Fast, flexible zlib bindings.
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Inexact error when inflating #52

Open pwl opened 7 years ago

pwl commented 7 years ago

I'm getting the following inexact error on master when reading a big archive (20GB compressed size with ~4 compression ratio). The archive seems fine when I extract it with gunzip.

 [11] — fillbuffer!(::BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}}}) at bufferedinputstream.jl:70

 [12] — readbytes!(::BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}}, ::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at bufferedinputstream.jl:233

 [13] — eof at bufferedinputstream.jl:106 [inlined]

 [14] — fillbuffer!(::BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}}) at bufferedinputstream.jl:70

 [15] — readbytes!(::Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}, ::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at source.jl:149

 [16] — process(::Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}, ::Int32) at source.jl:165


This looks like an overflow in, would it make sense to change it to Culong? I did it locally and the error went away, the tests pass and all seems fine but I feel like there was a reason for it being Cuint and that I broke something by doing that:-).

bicycle1885 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for reporting.

Changing the avail_in field type would be dangerous. The type of avail_in is uInt, which is an alias of unsigned int in zlib (, and the sizes of uInt and uLong are often different (at least on my machine).

I guess the problem happened because (1) there is a bug somewhere and BufferedStreams.available_bytes returned a wrong value that didn't fit in Cuint, or (2) you (or some package that used Libz.jl) allocated too much buffer for it. Anyway, I need to reproduce the problem before debugging. So, can you give me more details (versioninfo(), package versions, etc.) so that I can reproduce the same problem?

pwl commented 7 years ago
julia> map(Pkg.installed,["Libz","BufferedStreams"])
2-element Array{VersionNumber,1}:

julia> map(x->(x,Pkg.installed(x)),["Libz","BufferedStreams"])
2-element Array{Tuple{String,VersionNumber},1}:

julia> Libz.version()

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.5.1
Commit 6445c82* (2017-03-05 13:25 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
  LAPACK: liblapack
  LIBM: libm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)

Let me know if you need additional version info.

I have just used the ZlibInflateInputStream directly on the gzipped file without any tinkering with buffer sizes: ZlibInflateInputStream(open(f,"r")), where f is the big archive.

timbitz commented 7 years ago

I have become aware of a similar error that a colleague received when reading a gzipped FASTQ file from Bio.jl:

ERROR: LoadError: InexactError()
 in process(::Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}, ::Int32) at ~/.julia/v0.5/Libz/src/source.jl:158
 in readbytes!(::Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}, ::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at ~/.julia/v0.5/Libz/src/source.jl:142
 in fillbuffer!(::BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{Libz.Source{:inflate,BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream{IOStream}}}) at ~/.julia/v0.5/BufferedStreams/src/bufferedinputstream.jl:70
 in read!(::Bio.Seq.FASTQReader{Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{2}}}, ::Bio.Seq.SeqRecord{Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{2}},Bio.Seq.FASTQMetadata}) at ~/.julia/v0.5/Bio/src/Ragel.jl:188

This hasn't happened on my machine so I will try to get more specifics about his environment.

bicycle1885 commented 7 years ago

The issue is reproducible on my machine, so I'll fix it as soon as possible. JFYI, I'm now working on new packages (see that will replace BufferedStreams.jl and Libz.jl, and the issue does not happen on them. However, these are not yet ready to use.

timbitz commented 7 years ago

Awesome, a bugfix for this would be great @bicycle1885! Actually I did some asking around and a different colleague showed me the same error, so I'm not sure why I haven't reproduced it yet. Anyways, your TranscodingStreams.jl package looks like a really good replacement once its ready!

bicycle1885 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I've fixed an issue found in BufferedStreams.jl. Please update the package and check it on your machine once is merged.

timbitz commented 7 years ago

It looks like its fixed! Thanks @bicycle1885! I will double check with those colleagues again tomorrow just to be sure. Cheers!