BioKIC / Symbiota

The Symbiota Virtual Flora/Fauna project develops on-line tools to aid the generation, exploration and management of biodiversity data (collection specimens, observations, images, checklists, keys, etc.). See also: and For documentation, please visit
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[USDA] fix weird light blue background styling in determination history edit mode #1462

Closed Atticus29 closed 1 day ago

Atticus29 commented 2 weeks ago

PR into the uswds-harlan-changes branch.

  1. Remove this background color on that element

  2. Make sure that the indentation for the delete button is the same as with the "Submit determination edits" button above it.

  3. Figure out why the delete button styling isn't different from the "submit determination edits" button. See logan's PR: for reference. It might be that the necessary styling classes haven't been copied from css/v202209/symbiota/main.css to css/uswds/symbiota/main.css or it might be that new things need to be addeed to css/uswds/symbiota/variables.css from css/v202209/symbiota/variables.css or it might be that a new styling class might need to be added to the delete button.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 49 22 AM