The Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK), the successor of the IRTK, contains common CMake build configuration files, core libraries, and basic command-line tools. Extension packages are hosted by the MIRTK GitHub group at
Apache License 2.0
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Third-party integration: MITK, 3D Slicer, nipype #264

Open schuhschuh opened 8 years ago

schuhschuh commented 8 years ago

Given that our MIRTK/Viewer is in maintenance mode (and not working with MIRTK yet), it might be a good idea to integrate most commonly used MIRTK tools into other image viewer/analysis applications that provide a plugin interface and the required visualization functionality. In particular, given also the confusing similarity of the project acronyms, the MITK would be a good option. A MIRTK Registration plugin for MITK would complement the MITK Demons Registration Plugin.

This plugin development would take place in a separate MIRTK Package / MITK Plugin project. This issue merely exists as a to-do item and pre-development discussion thread.

Besides a MITK Plugin, a 3D Slicer extension would be nice as well.

Slicer has currently FFD registration capabilities which are based on the ANTs/ITK filters (see BRAINSFit Module) and provides a number of useful visualization options, see this tutorial.

ghisvail commented 8 years ago

As an FYI, we have a student working on integration with nipype. I have yet to use MITK but sounds like a nice tool.

schuhschuh commented 8 years ago

IMHO These are different use cases. MITK here is meant as image viewer mainly and for visualizing registration results. The nipype integration is rather for workflow design and execution.

schuhschuh commented 8 years ago

Besides a MITK Plugin, a 3D Slicer extension would be nice as well.

EDIT: Slicer has FFD registration modules based on the ANTs/ITK filters and seems to provide a number of visualization options, see this tutorial.

ghisvail commented 8 years ago

Sure. Registration plugin is quite vague. I just wanted to mention that someone was already working on the nipype plugin.

schuhschuh commented 8 years ago

Registration plugin is quite vague.

Therefore the reference to the MIRTK / Viewer ;-)